PC Peripherals Fan Discussion

zhopudey said:
Are vantec 120mm slealth fans available? How much?

Apex had one piece which I bought for around 760/-. :)

I still feel the 120mm Pabst fan I have is the best of all the fans I have seen - solid German quality !!
First of all, is it Pabst or Papst? Which model no. fan do you have? Whats the cfm and noise level? What did it cost you? yada yada yada.
Switch said:
You fan collecting whore... Spare some for us :p

NOT wh*re ... PIMP.... Pimps do the collecting ..... :)

In my collection I have..... Panaflo / Delta / Pabst / Antec / Vantec / Sunon / Nidec / Mitsubishi / Y.S. Tech / Commonwealth / Flowmax
zhopudey said:
First of all, is it Pabst or Papst? Which model no. fan do you have? Whats the cfm and noise level? What did it cost you? yada yada yada.

DUH !!! Yes of course you are right !! ....PAPST it is....

Here is a picture of the fan ....

I have had it for about 10 years the manufactring date is stamped on fan 32nd week of 1993. Last week I removed this fan after years of use - I have now replaced this with a Vantec fan.

My fan is the 4312 MS here are details of the 4312 M (the last in the list) the S in my fan indicates that it has the 3rd wire for speed indication.

zhopudey said:
whoa!!! 39dBA....too loud for me :(

...but ...but... I always ran it at 7v so I never heard any sound from it. REALLY !!!

... and ... it is a 2300RPM fan compared to the 1500RPM of the 120mm Antecs and Vantecs. Another reason for it being more noisy.