far cry black screen...

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in between gameplay , screen blacks out.. ie black screen ... nd hangs......... i tried 2 install patch 1.1 but it says " install game first to apply patch" but i hav already installed d game.. help..........
terminater said:
in between gameplay , screen blacks out.. ie black screen ... nd hangs......... i tried 2 install patch 1.1 but it says " install game first to apply patch" but i have already installed d game.. help..........

Go to My Documents/My Games/Farcry 2/GamerProfile.xml

Open the file using wordpad. . and look at options :

Force Widescreen
Refresh Rate

The second line in the File that works for me [on a CRT] is :

<RenderProfile MultiSampleMode="2" AlphaToCoverage="1" ResolutionX="1024" ResolutionY="768" Quality="custom" Fullscreen="1" Maximized="0" ForceWidescreen="0" AspectRatio="0" VSync="0" RefreshRate="75" DisableMip0Loading="0" MaxDriverBufferedFrames="0" Platform="d3d9" ShowFPS="1" ClustersZPassMaxLOD="1" Brightness="1.1" Contrast="1" GammaRamp="0.86" GammaRampR="1" GammaRampG="1" GammaRampB="1" AllowAsynchShaderLoading="1">

TRY it. . This works for me and many others. . . just fiddle around with these options.
I had some issues with the 1st level of Far Cry(game would crash and I would return to Windows). Installing v1.4 patch solved that problem.

Some games have a UK and a US version. I don't think it's the case for Far Cry but you can google for it.

Another possibility is dust on your gfx card or a driver incompatibility. Uninstall the drivers using "DriverCleaner" and install and older/newer driver version.
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