Farcry 2 Vs Crysis

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Lame topic :P

IMO both're good in terms of their own ways.

As Funky dada quotes "Crysis is a mere technological demonstration" :P

Remember how Doom 3/Q4 used to run on the then latest systems when they were released?? When those were the benchies?? Not anymore.

If you've a 4870X2 (or two!!!) Crysis would run flawlessly. Anyhow 2 yrs down the line, you could run them with the same frames with the latest GPU/CPU which'd have released then at a much cheaper price. :lol:

Whereas Farcry 2 on the other hand, wouldn't need so much GPU prowess for a visual treat, uses the Dunia engine which wouldn't crave for pwrful system specs. Farcry 2 has repetitive gameplay needless to say. :|

Anyhow, Crysis looks a notch better.
Actually as lame topic.

far Cry 2 is based in Africa, so the atmosphere has to look dull. While Crysis is based in the tropical islands, wher everything is bound to be tropical green .. obviously Crysis was more realistic, but again not a huge difference.

Gameplay wise again, both are different caregory games .. no point in comparing /.. both are very good in their own way ...
Crysis is much better than far cry 2..Far cry 2 is a bit tiresome to play and becomes a little boring after sometime...And, moreover, crysis gameplay seems to be better than far cry 2 too..
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