Fast and reliable video converter for iPhone ?

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Analog Vibes
Have been using Videora for sometime but that just doesn't cut in . Anyone who can suggest a reliable and fast video converter which can provide best balance between size and quality for the iPhone 4 retina display ? :P

Something that can use multi-cores and perform 2-3 conversions at a time would be great ! Paid apps / free . anything will do .
If i could suggest a better way to watch a huge collection of videos, then I would suggest AirVideo - a no-frill live play app which works by encoding the video files on the fly (it works decently on my 2006's system with 2.4Ghz HT processor)

Check this for a review.
have you tried ati's converter avialble as a separate download?

i'm sure it will have an apple preset.

mediacoder is my favorite as it lets you play with many options relating quality control.

just google mediacoder. it is a freeware
Handbrake without a doubt . BTW , i just use VLC , most videos play fine without any conversion.
I was on the same boat until I tried Handbrake. Have not looked back ever since. Does the job. Is free. Is simple! What else could one want?
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