Graphic Cards Fast changing GPU market

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Just 4 months back (june 2010) i bought Sapphire Toxic 2GB 5850 for 18.5k (399$) and now you have the 6870 which comes for 250$ (incl shipping) i.e. 11k and 5% faster than 5850.

Newegg still has the 2GB 5850 for 370$ but I guess it will be still listing only... - SAPPHIRE Toxic 100282-2GTXSR Radeon HD 5850 (Cypress Pro) 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
actually.. it's also about timing.. if you see the timings that nvidia and ATI choose to launch their latest products every year.. you will know that it's usually a twice yearly affair for flagship products. One is usually early in the 2nd Quarter and the other one comes just before the holiday rush season which is later in the year.

In the middle are usually smaller launches and mild revisions of products.

It's ideally recommended to wait for the big launch times for the prices to drop for old products and the new ones to stabilise before buying. Buying in the 2-3 months before the major revision launches usually has people end up in your situation
its hard once better hardware launches for the same/lesser price than what u bought 6 mnths back but that's how it is and that's how it's going to be.

I will be getting the 6870 at the next drop but i plan to stretch this config until i stop getting 30+ fps @ 1920x1080 which shouldnt be less than a year and a half, excluding crysis 2 ofc.

Cant wait for the next tech demo though i.e., Rage but seriously this fall seems to be the worst for an upgrade cause i see no big titles headed this way apart from cod:bo but that shit will probably run well on anything above 9600gt.
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30+ fps @ 1920x1080

Finally, a sensible post on GPU madness.

It's always about the the achieved FPS at a targetted resolution, detail and eye-candy level. Sometimes I just can't figure why people get so excited about GPU launches when the only thing that matters is the minimum FPS you get (should be above 60) at a specific resolution, preferably the native resolution of the LCD, and detail level, preferably maxed out.

If a card can't reach that, it doesn't ever matter if it's the latest and greatest. I'll never hit those targets with my display in the last few years of gaming I have left in me (I run a 2560x display and am ~40 years old) with even the best cards on the market today, and neither the coming 6900 or 5xx are going to get there. So I'll be content with my 4870x2, which does fine though it does dip a bit in a couple of non-CFX games.

If you run anything less than 1920x, pretty much any ~10K card out there can do pretty much anything you want. Differences are academic.
rightly said..until or unless your current gpu doesn't give 60 or above fps in almost 90% of the games (u play),running at your monitor's native resolution @ 60hz (thats the default for most i guess), no need to show interest in the newer cards but I guess Crysis2 might make you to hate your current GPU when its out next year:P

6970 preview-- ".. it looks like AMD’s upcoming card will bring a 10% performance improvement over Nvidia’s flagship card, the GTX 480, while boasting around 20% greater performance the Radeon HD 5870 it’s replacing"
source: AMD Radeon HD 6970 benchmark numbers leaked? - TechSpot News

but the problem in choosing GPU is as long as u r waiting, the newer cards keep coming and coming..say if you are interested in 6870 and after seeing 6970 previews you might be interested in saving money for it but once its out then the green guys will come out with 560 and it goes on and on-- again your budget and current rig plays the main role in choosing the GPU

Completed Medal of Honor, ran @ vysnc ON so 60fps constant @ 1440*900 with all max settings.. game was not that great as COD MW series but was ok and sad part is that its very short and now after 4-5 hrs of gaming i need to search for another shooter..

Happy gaming folks...
thegame said:
rightly said..until or unless your current gpu doesn't give 60 or above fps in almost 90% of the games (u play),running at your monitor's native resolution @ 60hz (thats the default for most i guess), no need to show interest in the newer cards but I guess Crysis2 might make you to hate your current GPU when its out next year:P

Well Crysis2 is supposed to have lower system requirements than Crysis.

And as with all things tech "Buy 'em when you need 'em". No point waiting endlessly for the next great version to come out.
Boot_Comp said:
Well Crysis2 is supposed to have lower system requirements than Crysis.

And as with all things tech "Buy 'em when you need 'em". No point waiting endlessly for the next great version to come out.
If Crysis 2 is less hungry than Crysis, then thats an awesome news bro.. but I guess they (Crytek) said Crysis Warhead will have lower requirements than Crysis which is not the case I guess..sorry if I was wrong as its been a while I played the Crysis series..
You bought the stuff at the wrong time.

You should have bought it around Jan-March 2010 and the price would still have been like $400-450 and you would have been able to use it for at least 1-1.5 years if not longer.
thegame said:
If Crysis 2 is less hungry than Crysis, then thats an awesome news bro.. but I guess they (Crytek) said Crysis Warhead will have lower requirements than Crysis which is not the case I guess..sorry if I was wrong as its been a while I played the Crysis series..
Crysis 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crytek has also claimed that Crysis 2 will have lower system requirements than the original game
A game-changing session - Sci/Tech - DNA

Also not sure where you played them both, but I found Crysis Warhead to be a lot smoother and a little bit faster than Crysis (both played on the same system).
Crysis 2 was also made for consoles too. Did you guys honestly think it would be heavier on our systems than Crysis 1?
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