Fast Downloads and Slow Browsing

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On TE since 2005
Enclave Plus
Hey guys,

There seems to be a curious problem with my internet connection. I have recently switched to BSNL Boradband. For the first couple of days, everything was fine, but now, my browsing speeds have fallen drastically.

When i try opening a webpage, it takes ages to load, what that is so the downloading speeds seem to be just fine. GMail on an average is taking 90 seconds to load while i am able to download huge files at a consistent 36KBps.

If i am not wrong, I started facing this problem after Installing NOD32. I have uninstalled NOD32, yet, the problem persists.

I use a DLink ADSL (502) router to connect to the internet.
Operating System is Windows Xp
Default Browser: FF

Any help in this regard would be welcome.. Thanks a lot!!
There are no DNS... The option is set to obtain the DNS automatically. At first i thought that it was a problem with the DNS too, but the blokes at BSNL say that there is no need for any DNS.

Note: The Router talks to the computer via USB interface
It might be your bittorrent or p2p software is consuming all the bandwidth.If you use Firefox(if not dowload it and use it), download fasterfox extension.It will enhance your browsing speed considerably.
No p2p I do have bitcomet installed, but when i tested it, it was not even running, i checked it with everything. I also have fasterfox that doesnt make any difference. The borwsing is too darn slow. I am sure that the problem is with the connection or modem settings and not anysoftware as such..
change your router interface to Ethernet , from USB . it'll give you better stability . the fact is gmail isnt as fast as Yahoo in terms of start-up time ,IMO . but the Gmail interface + their spam filter rocks!

As Kumar said , its a problem with DNS servers . Try using TreeWalk ( its a software dealing with DNS ) . Secondly , do all the above . There are too few DNS servers than bandwidth . bandwidth is plenty all over the world , but DNS servers arent lol ..
Yup, for Indian standards, an ethernet connection is much much better than the USB one, for sure.

Did you try contacting CS regarding your issue?

They might allocate new IP settings to help solve the issue.
check for spyware, adware and virus

Just an info, i had a virus or whatever you call it ... named winzip.exe which made my internet access damn slow... i used AVG to repair the same.
The easiest way to check whether its an DNS problem, is to access that particular website with its IP(ping the website with its hostname you should get the IP of that particular website) ( and see whether webpage opens quicker with ipaddress

Editing host file can help you enhance your browsing speed too.Just go to:


edit host

at the bottom mention the ipaddress of the site with their corresponding hostname as show below(remove the hash sigh, else it will be treated as comment)
i have had a similar issue though not exactly the same.

the problem was that i was running win xp sp2 . and hence the limited half open connections prevented me from browsing when i was downloading at the same time even if the download was nearly half of the promised bandwidth .

maybe you should try and change that to 50 .
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