Storage Solutions Faulty DVD(s), burning issue

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hi guys.the story goes like this.i recently finished my verbatim bundle of dvd,s and needed a new one in a i went to my favorite media shop and asked for a verbatim spindle.i got a white spindle dvd-r with simple plastic packing.i came home and tried to burn,power2go,imgburn- ALL id is mbi01rg40.i have gone through 5 dvd discs without success.even burned at using a brand new hp laptop.the pack cost me 450 is there any fix for such discs or i got screwed???????????????/:@
Re: Am i screwed?

I don't know whether this will apply to your situation but in the past when I've gotten coasters its been due to the system not having enough virtual memory to store the image file before burning. So make sure you have enough free space on your hard drive for the OS swap file. Clear up your temp folder or something if you need to free up space.
Re: Am i screwed?

get it back to the shop. they usually take back bad packs w/o any extra charged. do take those unusable burned discs too as a proff and tell u tried more than 2~3 burners.
Those white Verbatims are terrible. I used them, and with my dvd-writer I could burn them, but not read them. But they did read in another combo drive.
They're low quality, and have issues with compatibility. Try upgrading the firmware for your dvd drive. Or return the discs you have left, and get the silver (made in Japan) Verbatim discs.
thanks for your replies.
-this is a brand new laptop with 4 gig ram and 500 gig hard no memory problems.
-i have always been cautious and bought verbatim(which i thought was a good brand eyes closed) but i was proven wrong.looks like Moser Baer is dumping verbatim rejects in the market in the garb of corporate packs!!!!!!!!!1
-I got a warning from the mods for "inappropriate thread title" - OOPS!!!!! sorry if i hurt anybody's sensibilities but at that point -burning 5 coasters straight from a brand new pack,trying 5 different softwares,pulling my hair apart-lets just say the words described my thoughts as they were :) i will take care to calm down next time before ranting on the forums
-upgraded the firmware and tried 50 other things-burning at 2x,searching for upper and lower filters etc etc. so looks like 7 coasters later i really am sc****d!!!!!!!!
-NEXT QUESTION- are the dvd's sold by dvdstoredelhi dealer at TE really MIJ verbatim and are they reliable? i also found some complaints against mediahome regarding these same white corporate pack dvd's which he refused to acknowledge! lets hope my dealer acknowledges!!!!!!
Update to my problem:

1.The dvd's i burned with my laptop burner were read fine by my lite-on external dvd desktop class burner.
2.The guy who sold me the laptop refuses to agree that it has a faulty drive as he was able to burn a sony dvd specifically.
3.The verbatim dvd's are working okay with my external dvd burner.
1.The oem manufacturers are cutting corners on dvd drives and don't care about quality.Even my dealer said that the laptop drive is going to have a problem anyway after 1 year! he didn't tell me that when i was buying the drive though!
2.Desktop class dvd burners are always better at reading and burning media.they can also work on a wide variety of media.
3.If you are serious about a dvd backup solution,research the various desktop dvd burners and get an external one.I got my lite-on because it has pretty good burning results and outstanding read capabilities.
4.lite-on was lite-on when i got mine.they use nec chipsets that are reported to be superior than other ones.but now moser-baer has purchased lite-on and i don't know what they put in there or what they are selling by labeling it lite-on.
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