- Product Name:Samsung Galaxy Note (AT&T), Carbon Blue i717
- Expected Price: Rs 11,000/-(Fixed)
- Shipping charges:Speed post registered 50-50
- Manufacturer page URL:Specs - AT&T Cell Phones SGH-I717 | Samsung Cell Phones
- Description if any: Am selling a faulty Galaxy Note i717 At&t review sample which has a faulty USB storage, possible eMMC bug. Selling as IS. It is a review sample and hence has no branding of Samsung/At&T anywhere on it except the battery bay info label. Also the phone has a "Not for Sale" engraving near the power button. Its 2gb internal memory can be used to install the apps from the market but the internal SD and external SD card cant be used. Hence any function that uses the SD card wont work on the phone. Camera/S-pen /downloading of e-mail attachments cant be done. Though video calling and using the camera in app can be done (see pic of barcode scanner). The phone is unlocked and everything else works perfectly like GPS/GPRS/WIFI/Bluetooth etc. The external SD card can be accessed in recovery to install any custom ROMS/kernels etc. and is rooted. Currently running android 4.0.04 Objection UCLE2 rom. The condition is pretty decent -screen is scratchless, all the scratches you see are on the screen guard. Normal wear and tear on the rim and backplate. there is a tiny black spot on the right corner top tim. This sale is for the phone only, no accessories, no data cable ,no charger and no box. Things included shall be phone, battery, backplate, stylus/s-pen.
- Reason for Sale:Upgraded to a Note N7000 biught from the forum
- Product condition: 7 of 10
- Purchase Date: with me since about 6 months
- Remaining Warranty period: None
- Warranty available in: Not applicable
- Invoice Available: Not applicable
- Some more high res https://www.dropbox.com/sh/txn66m8d0y0vwmv/bNVjj2NeWo
- Some more discussion regarding the problem faced would be in this thread-http://www.techenclave.com/mobile-phones/t-i717-galaxy-note-issue-132267/
- Enter these basic information about yourself
- Shipping from: Chitradurga, Karnataka State
- Shipping to: All over India
- Preferred courier:Speed Post, as none of the couriers in my town accept mobiles!!!
- Payment options: Cash /bank transfer
- Thanx for for your interest.
