FC3 network setup help!


I have a 'cable' net connection..which basically is a standard LAN. I dont require to log in or anything and any computer that is given my IP address can access the net thru the netwalah's server.
i have one 10/100 realtek semiconductor based network card that is getting detected by FC3 as eth0.

i opened up the internet connection wizard and selected ethernet as my mode of access..gave all the values that it asked and restarted.

i fired up FF and tped in google..but its not connecting.

also..although i am able to ping the serve in winXP..i am unable to do so in FC3

pls help
OK, do you have a static IP?

Check thru FC3's hardware browser, I hope it only detects ONE n/w card (if you have one, only one shud show up).

If you have a static IP, can you ping urself?

Also, after configuring the n/w card, what is the output of the following command:

Well then. If you can ping urself then it is not usually a problem with the network setup.....

what does ifconfig show? I need that output to be able to figure it out. Is the MAC address listed the same as what you use in Windows (ipconfig /all)?

Also, are you sure iptables is not causing problems? Try giving the following command

service iptables stop

It is unlikely to improve the situation, but who knows what strange things might have caused it to malfunction.
well..i gave the screenie..and the values match an all...but what is this broadcat address (bcast)? never faced one b4:P

edit: stopping the iptables dint work:(

So the following command works:

ping [-I eth0] (-I eth0 is optional)

what is the gateway ip?

ping -I eth0 <gateway-ip>

returns request timed out> I can't make much of this... cos if you can ping urslef it usually means that there are no config errors. The only thing I cud think of was the MAC address, but you say that even that matches.

OK, then try the command dmesg which will show ur kernel startup log. Does it mention anything about problems in starting up the network card (unlikely)?

EDIT: My friend once did have a similar problem... something to do with a corrupt ARP cache.
guess iw ill try that too:S

btw..the gateway ip?..pinging it is not returning "request timed out"..but something like "network unreachable"
network unreachable is the same thing as timed out... just different words...
Last ditch effort:
ifdown eth0
ifup eth0

I have known this to work:S :S
Yeah, but he can't even ping... that is the strange part. I wonder how his routing tables could get so corrupted (if that is indeed the problem) when he never even managed to get networking up.

The "destination host unreachable" message is related to routing tables !
Read the link i posted above:
If you are trying to ping a host on remote network:

The network device doesn't have a route in its routing table to the destination network and sends an ICMP reply type 3 which triggers the message. The resulting message might be Destination Host Unreachable or Destination Network Unreachable.

Please type your <gateway_IP> = ?

Try these commands:

route add -net eth0
route add default gw <gateway_IP> metric 1
route del -net eth0
arp -f /etc/ethers
