Feb 1, 2019, the world is scheduled to end....

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well....hope it isn't a repost..i searched this forum a lot but didn't find this article...my apologies if its a repost...thank you..

NASA predicts Worldwide Holiday on Feb 1, 2019 as the world is scheduled to end

the second photo is terrible ....scroll down to see that....

so, enjoy every moment of your life to the fullest extent.. till feb 1, 2019..

Wht else is new??

Allright,I say we have a css match on feb 1 2019..let's say we'll play till the asteroid impact or how abt a massive TE meet..we can all just come to one place and watch chuck norris movies since it's the end of the world or adult movies if you prefer.

Hey bluff,you can start smoking on feb 1st 2019 since smoking can't kill u on tht day :P


I need that uber comp NOW :P...

edit: One more reasone why Airtel should give me connectivity asap :ohyeah:

Btw from the link which Tifosi posted:

Asteroid experts are continuing to observe asteroid 2002 NT7, which was under watch because preliminary calculations indicated it could be on a collision course with Earth. But the experts are now reporting that the probability it will impact Earth on February 1, 2019 is even lower today than it was yesterday, despite some sensational news headlines to the contrary.
I like the effect in the second pic :D

Poeple of planet earth!!!

We must cut down all the trees around the world and use it to make the biggest cricket bat in the universe to hit this astroid for a intergalactic chakka! :ohyeah: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
In the PIC in which the imapct is shown.....The asteroid does not look that small (1.24 mile)....If thats 1.24 miles then the distance from here to U.S.of A. will be at the most 25-40 miles....:P
Bluffmaster said:
But How is a 1.24 Miles Asteroid gonna destroy the whole earth is beyond me :S !

Because of the force!!

It is equivalent to probably 1000s or 100s of Nukes(am not dead sure of my facts here.....any correction is welcome :D ). Only thing is, the nuclear radiation wont affect survivors.

EDIT: Similar asteroid threads :P http://www.techenclave.com/forums/asteroid-apophis-may-impact-earth-66925.html?highlight=asteroid


If the size of asteroid is 1.24 miles then by the time it gets thru the earth's atmosphere it will be as small a pebble, due to the fricion.....And i don't think a pebble is gonna cause anything more than a splash....
It is equivalent to probably 1000s or 100s of Nukes(am not dead sure of my facts here.....any correction is welcome ). Only thing is, the nuclear radiation wont affect survivors.

World cannot end becoz of the 100's of Nukes being fired , it can end only coz of its Radiation ! Therefore even if the Asteroid is equivalent to 100's of Nukes , without Radiation it cannot cause much Harm !
Seen the movie Armageddon? :P..

But anyways, technology is so far advanced, that even if it is surely on a collision course, Humans will be able to stop it.

This asteroid, wont end humanity, EVEN if it hits us. Itll just make a big bang, and change around the weather a bit :P. Maybe for the better :P.
It wont destroy the world..... That way Bluffy is right....but depending on where it crashes, it could wipe out at LEAST half the population of earth.....

If it crashes in Asia (especially near India/China), then more than half of the peoiple on Planet Earth will die.
Discovery Channel had a show few days ago. In which NASA were able to successfull strike a satellite against a small Asteroid which was rotating (>100000 Km/hr) around the sun. They caught some pics of the Asteroid's surface before it striked it. They say this will help in world security in future.
Even if humans have the capability to do that,they won't.

Here is how

All the nations are busy fighting with one another and they won't have the time/money to look up and take action in time.
ugh....unless the asteroid is extremely immense or near the size of earth, how it can destroy the whole earth ? And again if it were the size of earth or close to it, wouldn't it be revolving around a nearby star ? The gravitational pull of the earth is so huge, that the asteroid would shrink to 1/1000th the size before hitting the surface of earth, due to the friction of the atmosphere.

The other possibility is the asteroid impacting the oceans so deeply, that they flood the land surface of the earth.
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