Linux Fedora 10 pretty bootup

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Global Moral Police
See YouTube - Red Hat Plymouth Solar Theme for Fedora 10's bootup graphics :D

I tried the recent preview release (or was it beta) of Fedora 10, this stuff only works on Intel and ATI cards I believe, I needed to provide the "vga=0x318" option for it to show up on my nVidia 8800GT

PS: Dark_Star you need to create a Fedora specific discussion thread :D
yea... f10 definitely needs one... waiting to dload it.. a few hours more i guess..

Historically Test and General Availability releases happen at 10:00am Eastern US Time, which is either 1500UTC or 1400UTC depending on daylight savings in the United States. See Releases/Schedule for more information about scheduling methodology and schedule milestone definitions
that's around 9~10pm tomm... :crazy:
Plymouth doesnt work for intel as well. It used to before they added the GEM memory manager in it and broke KMS support. Only ATI open driver has that support currently.

PS.: This is the 101st post I didnt notice the hundredth. yeyyyyyyyy
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