Feedback on RadarHunter

deejay said:
@ radarhunter,


could you please go into ur bios setup and post the ram settings / timings. ??

also what is the vdimm.


vdimm is voltage supplied to ur dimm slot

and as for Ram settings

If i go offline and restart my pc i am not sure it would start again in this hour

So it`s a request to TE members and MODS to not to jump to conclusions if i am not online fore some time or till 8 am or so
@radarhunter : u think it is humilliating for you?.. you started making statements that i have cheated you!!..

its clear that you are avoiding questions that have been posted by stormy after u came back frm wherever u went..

have u tried it on another board? im sure it has something to do with the incompatibility of asus a8ne and corsair ram .. please try it on another board.

please co-operate with the TE members here who are Trying their level best to help you out.

There is nothing that i can do right now if the ram has gone kaput. It is not my fault if you did'nt check it the day/week you got it. You had told me that you had check the ram online on msn/google chat.

You also told me the ram was kept at your place all the while in a safe place, at the same time u told stormy that it was lying at garavs place for 2 weeks.

i have nothing against you, but its just that u have started accusing me of something i have'nt done, which is cheating you.

Its your negligence and your stories are all mixed up. Sort out your mind and get back to us on this thread.

~cheers + all the best in sorting out your problem.

radarhunter said:
ummm stormy check the post i am not selling it now.

the question put across to u by stormy was, 1] why are u selling a 2 day old board?

2] why are'nt you selling it now?
its seems u are least interested in replying to this thread

radarhunter :

Last Activity: Today 01:23 AM

Private Messaging @ 01:23 AM

yet u havent replied to any of our posts
1: i was selling it as i wanted to upgrade as the prices of Amd processors have lowered

2: i don`t want to sell it now as people think i am selling off my faulty mobo
Bluffmaster said:
@Pixel : How can he reply to the questions he has no answers for ? Pixel u just Relax ok ! TE is with u ! The only Reputation that has been tarnished is that of Radarhunter ! And u don't Have to replace anything , he can't do a shit abt it anyways !

don`t worry u don`t know the shit i am able to do once i am 100 % sure of the ram`s non-working and have the proof.

u suggest other people to file case on me i`ll show u how one files a case of fraudulant selling.
@bluffmaster : Your's & other TE members support means alot at this time, as i have a person out to ruin my rep on TE.

@radarhunter : did'nt you just upgrade to 3500+(my cpu) + asus a8ne + corsair 512x2 (my ram) etc.

AMD prices have dropped long ago! i don't think that is a valid reason dude.
radarhunter said:
don`t worry u don`t know the shit i am able to do once i am 100 % sure of the ram`s non-working and have the proof.

u suggest other people to file case on me i`ll show u how one files a case of fraudulant selling.
Do i see a threat once again, mate?

This is not a case of fraudulent selling. the ram was 100% working when it was running on my pc.

You just seem to dodge questions very easliy, eh?

You had told me that the ram was kept safely in your house, when i asked u recently. And you told Stromblast that the ram was kept at garavs house for 2 weeks.
i never wanted the talks to be so out of control but why the hell are you agitating me Bluffmaster.

u have something to say to only Pixel then talk to him on pm and don`t say about me doing shit to anyone you don`t know a shit of me till yet.

And plus i don`t want it to be a fight on TE so better not interfere or post personal remarks on me.

You are a good friend of Pixel then be wanna support him then do but not in the way you are. Don`t challange me.
Pixel said:
@bluffmaster : Your's & other TE members support means alot at this time, as i have a person out to ruin my rep on TE.

@radarhunter : did'nt you just upgrade to 3500+(my cpu) + asus a8ne + corsair 512x2 (my ram) etc.

AMD prices have dropped long ago! i don't think that is a valid reason dude.
not before i bought the stuff from you.
@radarhunter : omg no1 is challenging ur might! This is the first time that Bluffmaster and me are communicating. Bluffmaster has'nt chosen any "sides", he's just mentioning what he thinks is right. The way you frame your posts calls for such a reply that bluffmaster made.
Pixel said:
You had told me that the ram was kept safely in your house, when i asked u recently. And you told Stromblast that the ram was kept at garavs house for 2 weeks.
I don`t care ask Garav

Or ask Amol to ask Garav if you are not known to Garav.

The Ram was at his house.

And one more thing i am not out to ruin your reputation but i am out to get my purchase not get wasted.
You had told me that the ram was kept "in the packaging more foolproof than" the one i sent you, with you..


now you say

"I don`t care ask Garav

Or ask Amol to ask Garav if you are not known to Garav.

The Ram was at his house."
Pixel said:
@radarhunter : omg no1 is challenging ur might! This is the first time that Bluffmaster and me are communicating. Bluffmaster has'nt chosen any "sides", he's just mentioning what he thinks is right. The way you frame your posts calls for such a reply that bluffmaster made.
First of all answer few of my questions :

1 : How and withing how many days was your payment for the product made ?

2 : Was it made after you sent me the products or before ?

3 : When i got the Rams didn`t i mention that i will let you know about it`s working when my whole system gets here ?

Kindly answer these 3 questions first then continue with your talks.
Pixel said:
You had told me that the ram was kept "in the packaging more foolproof than" the one i sent you, with you..
No doubt i agree on that point that youur packaging was full proof

I feel no shame or bent while agreeing that your packing was absolutly fullproof

That i agree

You just answer my questions please.
1] that has nothing to do with this.

2] i made it clear to u that the money has to reach me before i send u the product. you were initially insisting that i send u the product first and then u wud send the money. I told u to read TE rules, and that is not how i would like to go about with the tranaction. You later wanted to send 50% money and 50% upon receiving the good. i told u the same thing again, " I told u to read TE rules, and that is not how i would like to go about with the tranaction"

3] No, you did not. and if u did I rather no 1 is going to wait until ur system is put together. Maybe a couple of weeks or maybe months, who the hell know.