females are deadly...............


Resident Medic
The females of the species are always more deadlier than the male counterparts ............. have a look

Honey bee (oueen) is more venomous and stings badly while drone (male) is stingless.

female of the mosquitoes bites and spread dengue, malaria, yellow fever in human population by sucking and transferring blood while male mosquitoes survive on fruit juice and nector of flowers.

females of prying mantis and scorpions eat up their male partners after courtship.

Female cannabis (bhang) plant has resinous hallucinating drug while male plant is used for only making fibers.

Female hop plan (humulus lupulus) has bitter taste and is used in "beer" beverage while male plant lacks this taste.

females of snake (nagin) have been considered more poisonous that males though no scientific evidence is available for this. (this is well exploited by bollywood)


what about females of Homo sapiens sapiens.........? i cant dare to comment :bleh:

source : forward email.
Lucky for u, there are few females on TE (right now, only one appears to be very active, the others are in hibernation I guess).
Otherwise the females might have used their deadly weapons against u, and all your medical acumen would be of no avail.
medpal said:
Female cannabis (bhang) plant has resinous hallucinating drug while male plant is used for only making fibers.

Female hop plan (humulus lupulus) has bitter taste and is used in "beer" beverage while male plant lacks this taste.

source : forward email.

Hey since when did plants start becoming males and females. I'm dying of laughter at that... :rofl:
chaos plants the plants always have males and females.

in few species males bore fruits or flowers and in a few species females bore fruits or flowers.

this is more observed in vegetables and fruits plants.

i have a home graden at my place and we had to remove a lot of plants from the kitchen garden as they did not bore fuits.
Hey since when did plants start becoming males and females. I'm dying of laughter at that.
IIRC it varies from species to species (some have both stamens and anthers was it?)
but yes, there are males and females. Get ur bio straight. And medpal is the best person to tell us cos he must have done bio for medical.