P POLYGON Contributor Sep 16, 2005 #1 I installed FC3 but soon came to know there's no mp3 component(decoder) along with distro One more problem I had downloaded RAR for linux how to install it no technical file in the downloaded archive Last problem how to configure Apache server on FC3
I installed FC3 but soon came to know there's no mp3 component(decoder) along with distro One more problem I had downloaded RAR for linux how to install it no technical file in the downloaded archive Last problem how to configure Apache server on FC3
S Smith Forerunner Sep 16, 2005 #2 FC doesnt support mp3..because they think its illegal..though u can download codecs personally n use em. here is one LINK i personally dont think this is illegal and hence am posting it Reactions: 1 person
FC doesnt support mp3..because they think its illegal..though u can download codecs personally n use em. here is one LINK i personally dont think this is illegal and hence am posting it
D Deus Ex Machina Contributor Sep 16, 2005 #3 Simply get xmms from below. And the best thing is u wont mis good old winamp www.xmms.org I know you prolly already have it wid FC#. But try this one. Codecs included.
Simply get xmms from below. And the best thing is u wont mis good old winamp www.xmms.org I know you prolly already have it wid FC#. But try this one. Codecs included.
rahuljawale Enclave Plus Forerunner Sep 20, 2005 #4 Please follow this Unofficial FAQ to setup Fedora Core 3.
K KingKrool Forerunner Sep 22, 2005 #5 because they think its illegal. Click to expand... Nothing like that. They just don't want to have to pay license fees.. patent owners asked them to pay up.
because they think its illegal. Click to expand... Nothing like that. They just don't want to have to pay license fees.. patent owners asked them to pay up.
E el33t Explorer Sep 24, 2005 #6 POLYGON said: Last problem how to configure Apache server on FC3 Click to expand... Here is a good resource for Linux newbies http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/linux-hn/apachebasic.htm Regards.
POLYGON said: Last problem how to configure Apache server on FC3 Click to expand... Here is a good resource for Linux newbies http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/linux-hn/apachebasic.htm Regards.
SunnyBoi Branch Manager Staff member Enclave Plus Keymaster Sep 24, 2005 #7 BTW...anyone has a guide to use NTFS drives on FC3? slack givin probs
E el33t Explorer Sep 24, 2005 #8 hey thats not a problem: run command uname -r and download corrosponding rpm http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/fedora3.html
hey thats not a problem: run command uname -r and download corrosponding rpm http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/fedora3.html
SunnyBoi Branch Manager Staff member Enclave Plus Keymaster Sep 24, 2005 #9 hmmm...i shud do that after installing FC3? actuaaly, slack is detecting NTFS, but read only. and sound doesnt come in slack.....
hmmm...i shud do that after installing FC3? actuaaly, slack is detecting NTFS, but read only. and sound doesnt come in slack.....
K KingKrool Forerunner Sep 24, 2005 #10 NTFS is read only in ALL linux. There is a way to do write as ferrari once posted.. involves the use of WINE + ntdll.dll I think.
NTFS is read only in ALL linux. There is a way to do write as ferrari once posted.. involves the use of WINE + ntdll.dll I think.