FIFA 09 help

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Is there anyway to play the game without re-installing it? Having a dual-boot system and wanting to play FIFA is a real PITA!!!

Can I use the same install to play on both OS's?

yes you can.

install in one os.

export its registry.

import that registry in other os.

all you have to do is maintain same saved game files in all OS.....i.e Fifa09 folder in MyDocuments...

play game in one OS...when u wanna play in other... just replace thatfolder in that OS wid the folder from previous OS
Is that safe? Importing a different registry's settings? Want to play it in Win7, currently installed in Vista.
it works for me..

anyways if u dont want to import the registry then u can cr8 it urself wid similar string widout any problem...

thought u have to use same Documents data for the game if u want to keep your profile n saved data upto date.
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