FIFA 09 Vs PES 2009 Thread

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PES 2009 rocks! havent tried fifa 2009 though, but knowing how fifa is, dont wanna try it either.

from the videos i see there are a lot of tricks you can do in fifa, but really is it possible to implement all of them during the game? i on the other hand never use tricks. :P

be a legend mode is irritating. i have set my player as a forward and he never gets the ball. :P
I end up trying out both Fifa & PES every year. Since 2004, PES has always been my choice. PES4 just blew the socks off Fifa.

All was well till 2008. PES tried to be like Fifa & Fifa wanted to become PES. Disaster both sides! :S . This year there is a slight improvement in both but 'something' is still missing. I just end up pounding my keyboard in frustration!

Played Fifa2009 for 1 day & PES 2009 for a 5 days, now i'm back to PES 6.

& if you have to choose between Fifa'09 & PES'09, I'd give it to PES. Better (than fifa) gameplay, match graphics.
viralbug said:
be a legend mode is irritating. i have set my player as a forward and he never gets the ball. :P

Yup quite irritating at first but you get better if you play for some time, timing is everything in this mode. Now i earn 2630 playing for ManU :ohyeah: , moved to Lyon for the sake of experiencing different leauges. Don't feel like going back to Master League after playing Legend Mode, thoroughly enjoying it.
its all about breaking free and then making the call without being offside and expecting your mate with the ball to have enough space and balance to pass it to you :P
PES is better than FIFA on the PC hands down.

but the best football game imo is no doubt.. the FIFA 09 on the PS3

FIFA 08 on the PS3 was really good.. and FIFA 09 has become even better.

believe me ppl.. u have to try out the PS3 version of FIFA .. its godlike.. it beats all other possible soccer / football games ...
Got my copy of PES 9 yesterday.....and havta say ...a very disappointed PES fan.

PES has just gone downwards since the legendary PES 6.

Superfrag said:
PES is better than FIFA on the PC hands down.

but the best football game imo is no doubt.. the FIFA 09 on the PS3
FIFA 08 on the PS3 was really good.. and FIFA 09 has become even better.
believe me ppl.. u have to try out the PS3 version of FIFA .. its godlike.. it beats all other possible soccer / football games ...

I hav got fifa 09 on ps3....its a good game but i just cant handle the analog play.

my impressions on fif09 and pes 09 (console version)


1,graphics are much better than pes 09 ,pes still lack next gen feel ,still they use same engine used for ps2 version

2,fifa09 online rocks big time ,pes totally sucks online ,lot of lagging problems


1,gameplay simply rocks ,better than fifa09

2,realistic movements by players

final comments:

iam a big pes fan,i would personally pick fifa09 this year,gameplay and graphics are improved greatly than ever before ,this is the best fifa game in last 10 years,using be a pro mode camera is awesome ,donno weather its there in pc version, i heard pc version is total crap,plus online gameplay is a big factor ,pes09 online gameplay are same as last year, if u brought pes09 isnt bad choice either,gameplay is solid as ever before,u wont be disspointed a bit,i would suggest pes fans to have a look at fifa09.
Damn even the full version doesnt have Gudjohnsen dammit!!

And the full version is so much better than the demo!!!

So fast and reactive @_@. The weight of the through passes on the demo was so low in the demo, its just perfect in the full version :D. Love this game!
every year i try FIFA games but do not like it ........

FIFA 2009 is good game............improvement in graphics n gameplay,,,but not faces .

i prefer PES 2009

last FIFA game i most enjoyed is FIFA 2002 WORLD CUP....scoring goals frm. middle.

since PES4 ......i am playing PES .
PES 4 , PES 5 , PES 6 , PES 2008 .......noe PES 2009(not able to play coz of my damn. PC problem)

PES is better at GAMEPLAY , GRAPHICS ......faces of player .
OK. Need help in FIFA 09. Tried to search everywhere. How in the hell do you change to the goalkeeper ? I am using the same layout as FIFA 08s default keyboard , and in that , all u need to do was u needed to tap on the Skill Move key(SHIFT) when in defensive play and you could switch to the keeper. Here nothing. Have tried every other key also. Am pissed now :/
PhOeNiX said:
OK. Need help in FIFA 09. Tried to search everywhere. How in the hell do you change to the goalkeeper ? I am using the same layout as FIFA 08s default keyboard , and in that , all u need to do was u needed to tap on the Skill Move key(SHIFT) when in defensive play and you could switch to the keeper. Here nothing. Have tried every other key also. Am pissed now :/

I never shifted to the goalkeeper as soon as the ball is hit i adjust left or right asap and save the ball , also i have played at almost all the difficulty levels its the same for me the ball is saved by controlling the GK as soon as its hit for the goal by ur opponent , happens automatically [This is how it has been aleast for me]

Never shifted control specifically to the GK.
Havent played PES much .. but FIFA 09 is below expectation i was expecting a lot out of FIFA 09 .. it is just an extension of FIFA 08 where everything remains the same only the finishing in FIFA 09 has become more smooth and easy as compared to 08.
Have a Villa in ur team and he can score goals easily for u ..
Fifa 09 disappointed me .. would try to have PES soon ..
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