Finally a "decent" digicam ..

Niceeeeeee.... now that's a birthday gift. :D

Hope to see better pics of your droolmaal stuff in the show-offs now on and next meet we can blind each other by flashing each others eyes out... lol. :bleh:

By the way, do visit the mini seashore.... I hear these days quite a good fishes are swimming around there, been long time I've been there. :D
Metalspree said:
Edit: Is the card class 4 or 6??

Its a San Disk Ultra II class 4 card.The shopkeeper said it's faster than normal Class 4 cards.(not sure how true is that )

universal said:
congos for great cam...:p

i m also looking for 16gb class 6 card...for time being i am using 2gig amkette sdhc

plz let me know the R/W speed of ur card

The card packaging says Speeds of 15 mbps .Haven't done any benchmark tests yet but while copying images from card to PC and a big file from PC to card,I got ~15 mbps.

touzeen said:
good tat u didnt go for a compact...u wont regret it

True. I am liking this a lot .Portability was not an issue for me anyways and even this is smaller than I expected it to be.Thanks for your suggestions as well.

Arihant.EXE said:
I guess this would be my next big purchase :) .

Congratulations yaar.. who gifted you this x( .

Get the cam.It's too good .Mom & Dad gifted me this .:D

|Anish| said:
congrats ! i'll see you on lensworth ;)

sumchamp said:
Congrats Faheem. Let me remind you again to join lensworth and other forums. :p

I've already joined LW sometime back.Need to dig up the user id now.:p

madnav said:
worst part is that you cant use the very same cam for takin show off pics for this thread :p

nice purchase.

if you are hungry for quick snaps then come to mini seashore in the evening.

the sky gets real pink ..the pond is quiet in abundance of fishes... those small birds...i saw like a group of 500 something last evening... and when they will be thankful for the optical zoom lol.

Thanks for reminding me of mini-seashore .I had completely forgotten about it .

Flying birds are very difficult to capture.Tried to capture a few pigeons near the window but failed each time. :ashamed:.

BF1983 said:
Congrats dude ! So you got a good price for your old video cam eh ? Its nice that you upgraded from an LZ10 to the FZ35 so your next upgrade can be a DSLR. :D

Thanks Brendon. I didn't really get a good price for the video cam so had to put in a few grands from my own savings.:p If I learn well and the cam starts limiting my needs ,i will surely get a DSLR.

viralbug said:
^ He didn't have the LZ10 before.

You can find other 'fish' as well enjoying the seashore. :p


hehe .I guess Brendon means to say that it's better I didnt go for LZ-10 .As that's what I had planned earlier but than I fell in love with the LZ-35 .

And yeah , I miss those fish near mini seashore,brings back old memories when I used to come there for jogging in morning and to watch one particular fish.:rofl::rofl:

Will come there some evening to shoot the sky and pond.

phoenix844884 said:
Congratulations Faheem. Apt birthday gift for yourself I see.

Welcome to the FZ35 club. :)

Thanks ,Maybe we should a have a dedicated "FZ-35 owners thread where we can discuss different settings ,modes etc. It would really help a n00b like me .

Sudarshan_SMD said:

Awesome purchase Faheem.:hap2:


ankitmane said:
congrats bud...

great cam..

Thanks guys !

rravikantt said:
Nice purchase. Which UV filter did you got (Its brand and model no?)

The U.V. filter looks some chiniese unbranded one .It has "SLICK 46mm UV Filter " printed on it.Anyways someone told me that the U.V filter at times can hamper the quality of snaps and one is better of without the filter.It's just there to protect the lens.

iGo said:
Niceeeeeee.... now that's a birthday gift. :D

Hope to see better pics of your droolmaal stuff in the show-offs now on and next meet we can blind each other by flashing each others eyes out... lol. :bleh:

By the way, do visit the mini seashore.... I hear these days quite a good fishes are swimming around there, been long time I've been there. :D

Hhehehe sure ! I will get it @ the next meet ,you can share some of your secrets and tips as well .;)
I'll remember to sync my Seychelles photos on my iPhone, to show you and give your some tips of capturing flying birds and other "birds"... :p
Is this one or Canon SX20 IS better? I was thinking about Canon SX20 IS after hearing about it from a friend. But after seeing this post, I am having second thoughts.

EDIT: Never mind that I asked this. A quick search here itself reveals that almost everybody is biased towards FZ35.

Does FZ35 allow you to take pics while in video mode?