Dell India has made available the XPS 420 Desktop PC for gamers and performance enthusiasts. This is the first major gaming PC released by Dell in India. The stock config is powered by a quad-core Intel processor, 20-inch widescreen LCD with integrated microphone & webcam (SP2008WFP), 2GB of DDR2 667MHz RAM and 256MB PCIe ATI Radeon HD 2600GT GPU featuring Dual DVI & HDMI out. Of course, like other Dell systems, you can even configure this monster according to your requirements. Optional customisation options include Intel Core 2 Extreme processor, 768MB GDDR3 Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX, AGEIA PhysX Physics Accelerator in addition to bigger HDDs, more RAM and wider screeens. Starting at a price tag of Rs. 54,500/- , the XPS 420 also features integrated LCD screen on the chassis and free PCIe-based Hybrid PAL/SECAM/DVB-T TV Tuner with Remote Control.