Finally - A5 Jailbreak for iphone 4S and iPad2

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Title says it all.

Finally my 4S will be liberated. Have been waiting for a while now.

The new Jailbreak tool has been named as Absinthe. Though its downloadable only for Mac as of now, Windows and linux are expected to follow suit.

Please share ur thoughts if anyone has already jailbreaked
I am personally waiting for the "hyper junta" to JB their devices and get back with bugs. .

These JBing tools go into like 15+ Betas
. .
Been 30+ hours and not even a single issue as of now. Have installed many JB apps.

No Hangs and screen flow is smooth as ever
thats nice to know even im waiting patiently for a day or 2 where in most prominent bugs will get ironed out
will then upgrade the ipad 2 to ios 5.0.1
finally notifications and thumb keyboard
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