FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in my life!

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Okay, now this replies and discussions got my blood and adrenaline pumping and i got all tensed up :p. I was looking for an email option to mail Seagate ppl so that i can discuss the issue directly with them. But guess what.. wallah! got a chat option and spoke to a cook guy who helped by answering and clearing all the doubts.

Screenshot of the chat followed by the copy paste of the entire convo:

Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
Vijay Patel: Hello, is anybody thre ?
Brian B: How an I help?
Vijay Patel: Hi Brian
Vijay Patel: this is Vijay here.
Vijay Patel: Well, i purchased you Seagate 7200.12 rpm 1TB internal 3.5" SATA hdd today and i installed the Hard Drive into my computer
Vijay Patel: now the problem is, when i shutdown the computer, i hear a clicking sound from the hdd, and am quite bothered and tensed as its a brand new hdd and am hearing this clicking noise from it.
Brian B: Only when you shutdown?
Vijay Patel: Yes
Vijay Patel: this type of click is heard only when i shut down and i hear the same even when i switch off the power supply directly from the main power source.
Brian B: That is normal operation if its only when you are killing power or shutting down computer, called parking heads.
Vijay Patel: Okay, am waiting here.
Vijay Patel: Yes, i studied that online by doing research over the internet and google. But am concerned, if this is normal or its something to worry about? coz normally, the click sound coming from the HDD is considered as a symptom for a hdd going bad or such... ?
Brian B: Only if it is doing it durning normal operation or startup, then you should be worried/
Vijay Patel: Okay, i see. Is this something new in Seagate's new HDDs? coz i never heard about such issues before.
Brian B: It depends on the type of click you are talking about, is it a light clicking or loud?
Vijay Patel: well, it makes a single click/clunk sound on shutdown... if that helps you to understand better..?
Brian B: That sounds like a normal operation
Brian B: They have to park, and if running and clicking that is bad (ie. clicking while performing normal tasks or running the hDD and clicking apart from shutdown).
Vijay Patel: okay. Well no its not clicking while running
Vijay Patel: but can you tell me the reason for this? coz its scary to hear such kinda sound on a new hdd.
Brian B: Parking the heads on the drive
Brian B: it happens when the drive spins down.
Vijay Patel: by the way, the sound is not that high to catch your attention while you are sitting back on the computer chair, but if you go closer to your computer and then try to shut down.. then you can hear a click from the HDD area clearly.
Brian B: Then you are doing fine.
Vijay Patel: Okay. so you mean.. that is "Completely Normal" and "Nothing to worry about" ?
Brian B: YOu can run diagnostics on the drive if you wish, but at this point you have nothing to worry about.
Vijay Patel: okay, coz i was really tensed and was thinking to call the dealer tomorrow rite away as the 1st thing to do for RMA or replacement.
The agent is sending you to
Vijay Patel: Yes, i just downloaded the Seatool
Vijay Patel: and also installed it
Vijay Patel: Do you recommend any specific test to run or to run just all of them?
Brian B: Self tests tell you the most
Brian B: the Long will do a full sector by sector test
Brian B: If the tests are not available, then you may have other issues.
Vijay Patel: and that will take time
Brian B: yes
Vijay Patel: i get option to select the HDD and then above taht there is Basic Tests, System Tools, etc. I can not see Self Test button anywhere.
Brian B: Basic Tests
Vijay Patel: Okay, From there i did Short Self Test and it gave PASS. So means all's fine.
Vijay Patel: Okay Brian, i'd just like to know one more last thing if you dont mind?
Brian B: Ok.
Vijay Patel: What is the major difference between the Seagate HDDs Made in Thailand and the ones Made in China ?
Brian B: Just where they are assembled.
Vijay Patel: Okay, apart from that any difference in the parts / components, perhaps the overall quality of the drive and its performance?
Brian B: No, they ship the same parts to the plants for assembly, there is a minor difference in what procedures are done when.
Vijay Patel: okay
Vijay Patel: All right then Brian, was nice chatting with you and thanks for clearing the doubts. This will help a lot. Plus i can now use the HDD w/o any issues and not bothering about RMAing my brand new HDD.
Brian B: Sounds great, did you ahve anything else I can assist you with today?
Vijay Patel: Well, that would be all. If anything do i get to chat with you directly or its randome? and by the way, do i get / need any referance no. to this discussion?
Brian B: We go by email so it's tied to that.
Brian B: And it is random.
Vijay Patel: Okay then. That would be all. Thanks once again. Bye & TC man.
Brian B: Thanks, have a good week!

Thank you for using Seagate products. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

So now the bottom line is "There is nothign to worry about and the clicking is Normal :)
^.. It is indeed convincing to a certain extent... This was my initial observation which I mentioned in this thread already that the Actuator is moving to the landing area.... The platters do spin for a few moments after the sound so it could be the parking as mentioned...

All I can hope now is the HDD remain safe & I can mirror it before any failure...
^ no dude, its TOTALLY NORMAL as i had also mentioned before. This is normal and not a failure sign. unless you get multiple clicks b4 the hdd gets detected or while you are accessing the files from the hdds. This is quite simple that when you are cutting the powerdown the parking happens. So dont worry and go ahead :) Dont bother for this issue anymore :p

btw, again @ HailStonE: Check the power settings of your desktop. Are you using power saving or balanced or high performance?
btw, again @ HailStonE: Check the power settings of your desktop. Are you using power saving or balanced or high performance?
b00gieMan said:
btw, again @ HailStonE: Check the power settings of your desktop. Are you using power saving or balanced or high performance?

I am on XP... No such thing... Also my PSU is VX450... So cannot blame it on power...
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