Finally XZR6.0 is up

well , to add to the beast , here are 2 more add-ons :p

Worst pics yea.but who cares now heh ?????:p

the G15 is gonna take some getting used to , its huge , my fingers go unconciously to the G keys instead of the shift and tab and esc keys..jeez..also need a descent mousepad :p

got the G15 for 3.25k from eBAY like Jasku along with Mr. Impatient's (see below):rofl: also.

The MX518 from our own Amarbir for 1.2k.....
so when are you getting a mooz pad and which one??
i used my mx518 for 6months before switching to a QCK+ and trust me, the difference is huge!!!
okz....lesse, need to settle accounts of XG first before i can even think of buying nethin now :p

Lesse , even me thinking of a QCK mini , others are too darn big for my PC table