Find The Best Battery For Your PSP

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Hello Friends ,

I Have Created this Thread So That We All Could find The Best Or Good Battery Source For PSP Batteries .I Have Two Or Three Type Of Batteries That I Would Like Some Of Our Fellow Members To Review .Please Tell Me some Of The Good Battery sources you Have Come Across .And I would Like To Know Who Would Be Interested to Review What I Have In Stock ,Only Collectively We Can Find a Answer To this Question Cos every Manufacturer Says He Is The Best .
even i am looking for a cheap and effective battery for the psp slim. the one bundled with the slim psp is not enough and doesnt have the required juice. also the original sony 2200mah battery is very expensive.
dharmilstar said:
even i am looking for a cheap and effective battery for the psp slim. the one bundled with the slim psp is not enough and doesnt have the required juice. also the original sony 2200mah battery is very expensive.

Kindly Post The stats Of the Time You Get When you run your psp ,How Old is The Battery
i got one on ebay for my psp phat.i just came in a baox with no manufacturers name on it.i am able to game on my psp for abt 2 hrs using it
kris30 said:
i got one on ebay for my psp phat.i just came in a baox with no manufacturers name on it.i am able to game on my psp for abt 2 hrs using it

Kris30 ,
whats the Battery Rating in Milli Amperes .
dharmilstar said:
i am talking about a psp slim battery 1200mah which comes bundled with the psp slim.

Great ,
So who is Interested in checking The Dragon Batteries i Have My Sample of 2200mah and 2600 mah are there the stocks for the 3600 is gone ,Please Help
i have asked from ppl living in areas where Dragon batteries might be available.

Soon enuf shd be getting some response.

As these are chinese batteries one shd proceed a bit carefully.. cuz one wdnt want that the battery goes kaput while charging or playing.

Precious psp mite take the hit in sch a scenario.
I have 3 batteries from Deal exteme and they are just about okay, considering the price at which i got them, with gameplay ranging from 2-3 hrs while the original batteries which i have, they last over 4Hrs for me while gaming.
If u have some additional batteries which u need to get checked, i can test it for a week as even i'm lookin at some high capacity battery which should give some real long backup like around 6Hrs or so......
6 hrs is just paltry if u compare.. given the fact that the official battery gives u 4 hrs with ease, a mere 50% increase aint gonna be any big shake for a so called Heavy duty battery.

Reason i already have posted a query for the Dragon battery is cuz i have heard that the heavy duty battery by Sony gives u a gameplay of 12 hrs, which indeed shd be the way to go for a battery.

Secondly, be very careful with the chinese products.. they follow a dumping policy which really spawns products not upto the mark and hence can be quite hazardous for the console.
Spacescreamer said:
6 hrs is just paltry if u compare.. given the fact that the official battery gives u 4 hrs with ease, a mere 50% increase aint gonna be any big shake for a so called Heavy duty battery.
Reason i already have posted a query for the Dragon battery is cuz i have heard that the heavy duty battery by Sony gives u a gameplay of 12 hrs, which indeed shd be the way to go for a battery.
Secondly, be very careful with the chinese products.. they follow a dumping policy which really spawns products not upto the mark and hence can be quite hazardous for the console.
Hi ,
Even Sony is Made in China Now :bleh: .Anyways GP Singh Wants the Batteries i will send him two samples ,the 2200 And the 2600 I Have No Stock of The 3600mah
@ Spacescremaer
yes you are right, the heavy duty battery from sony gives abt 12 hrs of backup. some sad news..
PSP extended life battery kit is discontinued - PSP Fanboy
anyways they were too expensive. well if those dragon batteries would give a backup of abt 6 hrs, i would be more than happy considering its price. play-asia have those batteries but there were not enough reviews to convince to vouch for them. so the hunt for a perfect battery still goes on. btw Spacescreamer = spaceshot right?

@ Gurpartap Singh
do give us a full review on those dragon batteries mate. i am sure it will be helpful to a lot of people including me. also let us know if they can be converted to pandora battery. cheers!
dharmilstar said:
@ Spacescremaer
yes you are right, the heavy duty battery from sony gives abt 12 hrs of backup. some sad news..
PSP extended life battery kit is discontinued - PSP Fanboy
anyways they were too expensive. well if those dragon batteries would give a backup of abt 6 hrs, i would be more than happy considering its price. play-asia have those batteries but there were not enough reviews to convince to vouch for them. so the hunt for a perfect battery still goes on. btw Spacescreamer = spaceshot right?

@ Gurpartap Singh
do give us a full review on those dragon batteries mate. i am sure it will be helpful to a lot of people including me. also let us know if they can be converted to pandora battery. cheers!
Hi ,
He Can Try softmodding Not Hardmodding ,No Permission To Hardmod .
Hi ,

Even Sony is Made in China Now .Anyways GP Singh Wants the Batteries i will send him two samples ,the 2200 And the 2600 I Have No Stock of The 3600mah

Sony indeed is making stuff in china, no doubt.. so is nokia and others too, but all these are renowned companies and ofcource they got strict standards which they adhere to.

Its the locally manufactured, never heard of brands which leaves the doubt in the mind.
Spacescreamer said:
Sony indeed is making stuff in china, no doubt.. so is nokia and others too, but all these are renowned companies and ofcource they got strict standards which they adhere to.

Its the locally manufactured, never heard of brands which leaves the doubt in the mind.

Hi ,

I did a Lot of Research When i got Dragon Batteries ,But It Could Be Misleading Also Let GP Singh Test It ,He Has Sill Not PMed Me Of His Address .

dharmilstar said:
yes sir i am talking abt soft modding only. hard modding is very risky as it requires soldering. also u must be knowing that by soft modding to pandora it can be converted back to normal without any damages.

Hello ,

Yup i Know This,He Can Try Modding it Using softmod Procedure .
i can try reviewing these , gone thru alot of psps , but kinda short of time lately , if nobody volunteers i could do so, lemme know incase u still need someone to do it :)
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