Firefox Final

Already been using v1.5.0.7 RC5 and RC6 ... and i don't find much difference with the final release .. waiting for v1.5.0.8 next ... anyway .. downloading it now ...
i've been using it for quite some time now... and its reall fine... unless you find the "bon echo" name bugging... but its really gud... FF kicks butt!
wow the Mozilla devs are really at it arent they, i mean FF2 isnt even "officially" out yet and already theyre working on alpha builds of FF3?
not quite..

"There's a story on Digg about how Firefox 3 is now available for download. While this is absolutely true, it should be noted that the major difference between a firefox-3.0a1 build and a firefox-1.6a1 build from a few days ago is the version number. This change does not reflect an official release of Firefox 3.0 Alpha 1, it reflects the fact that the version number was changed. These are still what we call "trunk" builds, and we offer no guarantees about the stability of the code therein." - Mozilla developer Mike Beltzner

its just as same as the 1.6a available.. so basically FF3 starts from where it stopped in the previous version......

so much for FF3...
Hello Friends,

Does any one have Horizontal Scroll Bar (address bar) problem with yahoo mail (with FireFox Browser)?

I can't find same while reading any Yahoo mail with FF, so can't read any page if it is wider than 800x600 resolution (browser screen).

Any help please?

Note: I have same thread here, but didn't get slution, so post here in hope to get one.

Anyone using FF 3 Alpha?? is it usable?? how buggy is it ?? ... neway thanx for the update , downloading it.

i've been using it for quite some time now... and its reall fine... unless you find the "bon echo" name bugging... but its really gud... FF kicks butt!

Firefox v3.0 is called "Minefield" ... and the latest build work fine .. though it has compatibility problems with the extensions .. it even faster than Bon Echo at times ...