Firefox 2.0 vs IE7 vs Opera9


Here is a Triple Threat :clap:

I've been using Firefox 1.5 and can't wait for Firefox 2.0

Had not tried Opera 9 yet but after all the buzz, I had to install it yesterday. I did love it but I am a little used to the Firefox simplicity so my vote goes for Firefox !

I also recently installed Internet Explorer 7 RC1.. IE7 does go along with the whole Vista look and feel but can it take on the ever-growing Firefox and to some extent, the underdogs Opera?

Here is a quick feature comparison for all three:

Browser Comparison: Firefox 2 Beta 1, Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, and Opera 9.0--Review on ExtremeTe

So tell us what you think.. which browser you love and why you love it.
I use Opera 9 as my primary browser, and ff 1.5 for web sites that won't render properly on Opera.

Why opera? One word - mouse gestures!
i used the IE 7 beta 2 for sometime... i dint like it atall... some crashes and it was heavy on the system.... it never shows correct memory used as firefox in task manager... but if i close the IE there is suddenly a drop of 50-60MB memory over the already 10MB shown in task manager...

also when opening new tab from a link in existing window... i notice a lot of CPU usage.... might be due to it was beta... but again i missed my firefox a lot... so switched back to firefox...
an avid opera user for a long time.

never liked ff for its extension download thingie.

also use maxthon for IE friendly sites
Just went through the post of the the other members comparing Firefox with lame browsers like Opera and Internet explorer.How can anyone compare Firefox with any other browser out there,PPl who use Opera for its speed, try out faster fox extension for Firefox and there plenty of good mouse gesture extensions available for Firefox,hey and i think all of likes to execute those kewl scripts with Grease Monkey and above all none of this browser comes closer to the security of Firefox.

My Vote Goes To Firefox!!!!!!!!!
s@dism said:
I use Opera 9 as my primary browser, and ff 1.5 for web sites that won't render properly on Opera.

Why opera? One word - mouse gestures!

Two words - to be precise :)

I downloaded nightly build of 2.0b2 today. Almost no plug-in support :(
This is from somebody who's been using FF beta nightlies since they began, almost 6 months back. Mouse gestures is in 2.0 nightlies & AFA plug-in support is concerned, I don't have any idea where & what zhops did but I have plug-in support in Windows no issues, if it's on GNU/linux however then tht's a different set of issues. Also with the new theme coming in place as well as slightly darkish translucent kind of tab skin it just rocks. And on security there is so much one can have on it, so no rivals about tht. Definately FF 2.0 (Bon Echo) for short-term & FF 3.0 (Minefield) in the long-run.
no IE fans !?
word on the street is that Microsoft invited Mozilla programmers to microsoft to make sure that firefox and thunderbird are compatible with Vista..
I microsoft should simply give up and start shipping firefox with windows :eek:hyeah:
Simply 1 word!!!


User JS + greasemonkey support + mouse gestures + buttons + sessions + infinitely customizable + the BEST tab implimentation = opera ROCKS!
lol in tht site if u calculate the yes and no opera scores the highest :lol: opera is indeed a good browser

except one thing no support for separators in between live book marks :(
I have been using Opera for a long time now. I really like Opera, tried Firefox a while ago, but did not like it enough to warrant a change for me.

I think Opera is a very good browser; but one advantage of Firefox is that it is open. Since Firefox is open, I suspect any new feature implemented in any browser will be soon copied in Firefox as extensions or something by some fan very soon. I once had an argument with someone regarding Opera vs. Firefox, and everytime I mentioned a feature of Opera, the other person said that it was also available as an extension to Firefox. I think a lot of features in Firefox are inspired from Opera. Since Firefox is open with a large user base, it would be quite difficult for any browser to compete with Firefox.

But that said, I have never felt any need to change from Opera; I really love it.
The thing with extentions is,whenever u install FF,u have to install all the extentions manually which bloats the install and the time taken to install.Opera doesn't have extentions because...i doesn't need them.Evry thing (almost) u need is included with the browser in a nice small package.