Firefox 3.5 plugins / addons

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We used to have a thread, sticky back then when we had Firefox 2.0, listing out all the best of firefox addons/plugins.

Lets see what would be the top 5 firefox plugins which you would recommend to others.

My personal favorites are ,

1.Flashblock :
Never be annoyed by a Flash animation again! Blocks Flash so it won't get in your way, but if you want to see it, just click on...

2.Foxytunes :
FoxyTunes lets you control almost any media player and find lyrics, covers, videos, bios and much more with a click right from your browser.

3.Online music player or OMusic :
This one fights with foxytunes for space on your browser, well literally, both sits on your status bar. But i the feature that was a pleasant surprise was real time lyrics in status bar, something which I was searching for ages.

4.AdBlock Plus :
Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page? Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them.

5.WOT :
Web of Trust warns you about risky sites that cheat customers, deliver malware or send spam. Millions of members of the WOT community rate sites based on their experience, giving you an extra layer of protection when browsing or searching the Web.
The essentials:

AdBlock Plus - Block all kinds of annoying ads

NoScript - stop malicious scripts/codes/aaps from running off websites.

Download Manager Tweak - gives the default download window, more options

The Personas feature is 3.6 is just lame, themes do a much better job.
Adblock Plus
Blocks ads.
- Useful

Add to Search Bar
Allows me to add search engines to search bar. Allows me to search for movies and games without going over to imdb and gamespot. Very useful for plugin for me.
- Useful

As the name suggests it puts everything like plugin manager, download manager etc., in a sidebar.
- Added for no good reason

A nice toy. Gives a unique interactive feeling when used for watching videos on youtube or looking for images.
- Added for no good reason

Adds a functionality similar to that of Speed Dial in Opera. Very Customizable.
- Useful

Nice presentation while switching tabs. Very useful when a no. of tabs are open.
- Added for no good reason

Adds a functionality similar to that in Opera. The user can choose to or not to load images while visiting a site.
- Useful (while downloading)

Web Of Trust. Gives rating on various basis of security and helps one decide if he wants to visit a site.
- Useful
I forgot one Addon...

With the help of which it used to automatically detect whether certain link from Rapidshare/ MU etc are ALIVE or DEAD..i.e if Link is live then there is Green Tick mark across it !

Is it a Greasemonkey script or something ?
Down them all - Great download manager

Foxytunes - Best thing to control media players from browser

cooliris - great app to browse through videos and images in a 3D wall interface

Download statusbar - Minimises download window to browser

Colorful Tabs - Self explanatory

Gmail Notifier

ScreenGrab - Helps take screenshots of long pages ;)
Here are the ones I use:

Adblock Plus - Blocks ads

Datafox - Displays usage for MTNL and BSNL users

Download helper - Download embedded images/videos

DownThemAll - Download manager

FoxTab - Gives 3D view of tabs while switching. I have absolutely no use of this, dunno why it's still there. :P

Linkification - Converts text links into actual links.

Personas - Put up different themes.

TabMixPlus - Extra features for tab management. The most useful (and probably the only one I use) is the last closed tab feature.

Tabscope - Gives a view of the page by hovering over the tab. You can navigate through the popup as well, though haven't found it useful. Currently not compatible with 3.6.

I'm adding NoScript as I type this.
Too lazy to type my long list

AddBlock Plus: Block ads

Download Helper: Download flash vids

Download Statusbar: Integrate downloads window in the statusbar

Greasemonkey: execute scripts

Gmail Notifier: For gmail
I would like to mention

AutoPager - to autoload next page at background (pretty cool once u used to it.. u can point to the link where the page 1 of x is if it didnt auto detect the same.

Cyber Search - search from the address bar itself. :) too lazy to go to the search bar even now :)

TwitterBar - as the name suggests, type anything n the address bar and click an icon , it gets into your twitter page.

QuickProxy - a status bar icon to turn the proxy on and off.

ReadItLater - Save pages to read later

ReminderFox - reminders and ToDo's
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