Firefox loses momentum


Running out of Microsoft haters

Firefox's early inroads against Internet Explorer are beginning to show signs of losing momentum, according to web analytics firm WebSideStory. The firm reckons the open source browser has increased its market by only a single percentage point - from 6.75 per cent in April to 7.86 per cent in September - over the last five months. This compares to a one percentage point gain in market share per month that accompanied Firefox's initial release last year.

Internet Explorer's market share is holding up after suffering badly to Firefox in the period immediately after the browser's November 2004 release. WebSideStory put IE's market share at 88.46 per cent on Friday, 23 September only slightly down on 88.86 per cent in late April. The modest gains Firefox has made in the last five months are largely at the expense of other alternative browsers such as Opera and Apple Safari, according to WebSideStory.
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"It looks like Firefox has hit the push-back point," Geoff Johnston, an analyst with WebSideStory told Information Week. "We always knew there was a finite number of early adopters out there and a finite number of Microsoft haters who would switch to something new."

WebSideStory's statistics on browser share are based on monitoring usage figures from thousands of websites.
Well, I for one feel happy even though I am a FF user. MAny people keep criticing MS for everything. And just a small percentage of those actually ditch MS and move onto MAc or Linux or something. I feel bad for MS though :bleh: :p :tongue:

And with IE7 coming up, maybe MS could have the last laugh afterall.
TheMask said:
^^ and i thot u wud be happy to hear that.. :p the smiley says otherwise.. lol..

yeah...right :mad:

i'm not one of those...i love microsoft...every thing that they do..except for their software pricing policy :bleh: i respect microsoft in a big way...there always exist nice strategy behind everything that they do. give it to firefox though, they made ms sweat for once and i enjoy the competition.

firefox supporter (maybe, not forever! we have options now) :p
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Right now nobody can touch microsoft except google, who btw aren't as rosey as everyone thinks. They are here to make money as well except they inend to do so with adsense.
Wonder what the herd will move on to when gmail is as old as hotmail (which is a perfectly good email service except for the relatively small inbox).

Firefox after all those GetFirefox buttons and a whole lot of publicity over security issues managed to capture a whooping ~15% market share.
All this only for ie7 to come and reclaim everything just because it's bundled with windows (unless it's as bad as ie7 which will spare the 15% share for firefox).
2006 is gonna be the year for Microsoft ,just wait and watch ;) .

Microsoft has been kicked around plenty the last few years by the likes of Google, Yahoo, the press, and many participants in the software industry. However, during this time, the Microsoft money machine has continued to generate cash at a prodigious rate. The home of “build it cheap and stack it high” is about to have two major project releases (Vista and Office 12) that will be relevant to over 500 million computers during the next few years. Vista, Office 12, and all the supporting technology, dev tools, platform layers, and web services equate to a massive force of change which – if history is a guide – will result in a huge amount of money flowing to Microsoft and many of the members of the Microsoft ecosystem.

Now – if we can only get them to say “Open Source” instead of “Shared Software Services” life would be a little easier.

I'm a MS freak too, after all the invented Windows w/o which we all would be nothing !

Firefox is a good browser though and much better than IE - my personal experience.
@QF --- I did not imply that you were an MS hater. NO WAY!!! I have just seen people slam MS. But most of them do not shift from Windows.

And I respect MS for the fact that it revolutionised computing. Of course, MS haters will say that some other company(apple??) would have come up with a similar OS but without all the hassles in some time if not for MS.

But history cannot be changed. The fact is that most computers today use Windows.

Computing today is like this thanks to MS.
I am not able to edit my post.... why??

Anyway, I also feel that FF is damn good. It is not much better than IE. But the net seems faster for me :p
I often use Opera under OSX and much better than FireFox and Safari there. But I use FF on XP at home and I really like it. And I'll try Opera as well on XP...
W/o MS there would be no windows, and seriously, who here prefers Linux to Windows? I sure dont.

I used it on my School PC, and never used it again!
If there were no windows, we would all be using OS/2, a far superior product (which was made by MS too in association with IBM). Or maybe Apple wud have been more successful hen they fianlly made thatdecision to license their tech (they did for a short time). Or maybe Amiga wudn't have died! Or maybe IT companies wud have been willing to spend more to get Linux up to speed on the desktop.

In fact the major prob with Linux today is the lack of apps, desktop usability is quite improved in may distros like Xandros, SUSE, Ubuntu, Mandrake etc