Found this online and thought i can share it with our TE folks... :hap2:
This command seems to compacts your SQLite databases and has Noticable gains..
The Author claims its harmless.. Original Link here
If u get an error like
Then try copy/paste to a text editor. after that copy paste from the text editor.
For OS X:
And there is a process of compacting for Windows too in the comment section.. if you are interested.
If your Firefox, like mine, insists on doing huge amounts of I/O when closing, as well as acts slow when using the awesomebar, try the following (close down Firefox completely first):
for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/*.sqlite; do sqlite3 $f 'VACUUM;'; done
This command seems to compacts your SQLite databases and has Noticable gains..
The Author claims its harmless.. Original Link here
If u get an error like
SQL error: near “‘VACUUMâ€: syntax error
bash: ’: command not found
Then try copy/paste to a text editor. after that copy paste from the text editor.
For OS X:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/
for f in */*.sqlite; do sqlite3 $f 'VACUUM;'; done
And there is a process of compacting for Windows too in the comment section.. if you are interested.