Mozilla is jumping on the latest privacy bandwagon, with developers already working hard to ensure a new private browsing feature ships in Firefox 3.1, due to arrive at the end of 2008.
Private browsing, or “porn mode†as it’s often referred to, since that’s one of the more obvious uses, restricts the information that your browser gathers as you visit websites. Cookies are rejected, URLs are kept out of the browser history, forms are not auto-filled and pages are not cached.
Private browsing, or “porn mode†as it’s often referred to, since that’s one of the more obvious uses, restricts the information that your browser gathers as you visit websites. Cookies are rejected, URLs are kept out of the browser history, forms are not auto-filled and pages are not cached.
Firefox to Embrace Porn With New Private Browsing Mode - WebmonkeyPlanned features:
* Any cookies acquired during the private session will be stored only in memory and flushed when the session ends.
* Visited sites will not be stored to the browser’s history and visited links will not be colored as such.
* Autofill features will be disabled and Firefox will not prompt you to save any new passwords.
* Any downloads will be flushed from browser’s download manager.
* All authenticated sessions will be logged out when you enter and leave private mode.
What FF users can do for now: Of course if you don’t want to wait for Firefox 3.1 to get your private browsing features, there are some Firefox add-ons that can handle the job in Firefox 3 right now. The Stealther add-on is one possibility, but Distrust offers some extra controls like per-session preferences.