Firewall,Do I need it since Im on Exatt?

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digen said:
Dude eazy I see few applications running like IE running,close that & send me the screeny.We will sort this out.


Here is another screen capture - in the last one I had my taskbar hidden so I missed the open IE !!

FYI when I did a fresh install of XP this data movement on my Hathway Cable conx was present even then.
I never knew guyhere can be so Dumb to knees. I always said u need a firewall only when its required. i dont understand how & when a normal PC needs it?

inzider -- is ur pc so insecure that if its let out without a Firewall -- things turn Crawling in by themselves. If thats the Case- -- u better read & learn a little on basic Security measures rather than Flaming someone without even understanding what i was trying to convey..

the ActiveX & trojans still can Slap u hard with a Firewall on if u dont better use ur kidneys up ahead when using internet
& Richard -- the Anonymus Pings that u get caught on the ZA are actually UDP Broadcasts generally over Port 137 & 139. they can be Shot from ur IP when u open ur My network places & try to browse ur Workgroup.

taking all these things so DAMN seriously isnt BAD -- i repeat --NOT BAD -- but then thinking they are a massive threat to ur Lovely computer is just lack of Study & fundamental knowledge
mehargags said:
& Richard -- the Anonymus Pings that u get caught on the ZA are actually UDP Broadcasts generally over Port 137 & 139. they can be Shot from ur IP when u open ur My network places & try to browse ur Workgroup.

taking all these things so DAMN seriously isnt BAD -- i repeat --NOT BAD -- but then thinking they are a massive threat to ur Lovely computer is just lack of Study & fundamental knowledge

DUH !! :huh: ...sure.... I "lack of Study & fundamental knowledge" thats why I am here asking these questions. I do not understand this part of computing very well and thats why I visit the forums - to get help from the experts when I need it - I dont even know what UDP Broadcasts are :huh: - would be highly obliged if some one could give me this info.

And ....about "thinking they are a massive threat to ur Lovely computer" ... I dont know if they are threats or attacks or any such thing unless I ask this question and someone like you tells me what they are all about.

By the way I dont "open My network places & try to browse the Workgroup" ... so what is causing only my cable modem conx to show a constant download on idle - my MTNL DialUp does not show any traffic at all on idle.
EAsy by that i meant when u try to browse ur Workgroup , u will shoot out Packets from ur IP. that is -- someone on same Workgroup with ZA enabled may catch ur IP as an intruder. similarly (on LAN generally) when someone on ur workgroup may start to bowse the network neighbourhood -- he may shoot out outwards packets since that procedure needs to ping ur IP at port 8 for ping & 137 to 139 for filesharing etc... thats how ur my network places shows users on Workgroup or domain...
I guess im a little Clear on that ???

Second --i could not understand

Eazy said:
what is causing only my cable modem conx to show a constant download on idle
this means u need to track ur Applicatiion List at idle use. I'm Sure u must be having Good knowledge of ur Task manager & familiar with the appz running there. still if u have Tried everything i recommend u use hijackthis(google it) & post a Report here.

Mind one thing -- IDLE state does not means ur TCP/IP connection(LAN, DSL,Cable anything) is completely ZERO. Ur IP needs to send KEEP ALIVE pings to the server else ur IP looses its existence with the Network its logged in to.generally u can call them NOOP commands--- though noop commands in precise terms are used by FTP clients to keep the connections from Being KICKED OFF form the Server if no activity for a certain period of time.

TCP/IP is not at all Complicated,infact its a very easy things to understand if ur fundamentals are clear. But this is where most people Lack(i admit im no master) & this is why networking is Kind of the most Distinguished or i sh;d say Overlooked Feild of IT industry.

Just peice of advice in respopnse to when u wrote
Eazy said:
thats why I am here asking these questions. I do not understand this part of computing very well and thats why I visit the forums
. If u really wanna learn all these things -- learn LINUX. it will make ur Funda's Clear. windows can not & will never make u understand the inner basics of technology as its made the USER FREINDLY WAY. TO add -- for the FLAMERS -- im not Cursing windows here -- i love it --i repeat --im a windows USER -- but its just abt what it lacks in comparison to Linux. windows just wants u to know what has to be done *& it assists u to do while Linux needs u to know
WHAT is to be Done,
HOW is to be done
WHERE is to done
WHEN is to be done..

may that helps u
@mehargags :

I'm on the internet. Thus, i need a firewall. In the words of a wise dude, "I never knew guyhere can be so Dumb to knees.". Wasn't what i said implied there. From what you said about firewalls, it seems that they were designed for no apparent reason. Long live the king.

inzider -- is ur pc so insecure that if its let out without a Firewall -- things turn Crawling in by themselves.


I use an unlicensed version of Windows XP. Doesnt that speak for itself ? In the words of that same old wise dude "I never knew guyhere can be so Dumb to knees." In case you didn't get the pun : "Since i use an unlicensed version, i am not entitled to service packs and patches. :)"

the ActiveX & trojans still can Slap u hard with a Firewall on if u dont better use ur kidneys up ahead when using internet

I use a firewall for that reason mate. Unlike certain people who prefer to protect their CPUs from "the load of a firewall", i prefer protecting my PC WITH a firewall. My kidneys are where they need to be, and so is my brain, which tells me not to run trojans or unsigned activex scripts. I suggest you reposition your organs as well. Or if you prefer stopping crap happening to your rig with one of your kidneys, your choice mate. They're your kidneys.

And i just remembered a wise quote as well.

"I never knew guyhere can be so Dumb to knees." - Mehargags

p.s mehargags, no offense



@Hacker : Wouldn't you say that getting a n00b to install a firewall and an antivirus is like providing him a sandbox to play in. I wouldn't have been bothered about firewalls even say 2 years earlier, but now, it's very essential. If i remember correctly, there was this exploit for MSN messenger, which still exists i guess. The thing was that if your system was packeted on a particular port with some code, you'd get a pop up on your desktop. Now that code could be engineered to download spyware, and do loads of stuff. I know a couple of people here who experienced that problem as well. A firewall stopped that dead in it's tracks.

People do inadvertently install trojans on their systems. But you can't educate everyone that running something from an unknown source is bad. You have to hope that they won't receive a trojan, and run it. Thats the only chance they'll be taking if they are running a firewall.

Do ya know why AOL generated the most amount of spam last year ? It was because most AOL users were relatively lax when it came to security. They all believed that "ur comp is a not a British high commission Server that someone is gonna brute force into it to get data from it". Indeed, the very same thing happened. AOL users were infected with spam bots on a massive scale. Their computers were turned into "zombies" if you will, which would get online and send out thousands of junk mails. When these mails were tracked back to the source, it was usually innocent users who fell into the net. Now ya know why most AOL users are disliked ? :)

Like i said, not all of us here are entitled to patches and service packs. Our AV and FW are all we can really count on apart from proper monitoring on our systems.

About the request, i was merely stating an example, and not offering such services to anyone :) In fact you can test your system yourself. You can just visit one of the many Firewall test sites on the net and see whats open on your comp, and how vulnerable you really are. No matter how careful you are by patching your OS and using a good browser, not using a firewall will leave you very vulnerable to attacks. Thats the bottomline.


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All i can say is prevention is better than cure.....

We all know about Hepatitis and tetanus n polio etc....we cant predict who will be infected when or where so we take precautions
and so we have vaccines against them....we use the vaccines coz they protect us from these infections...

Similarly with the internet harbouring so many potential threats why take a chance?? you may not download any trojans or spyware etc...but that doesnt make you safe from so many unknown threats out there!! A firewall will surely help you keep your pc safe...
So a its upto the person to decide whether to take a chance or not!
mehargags said:
EAsy by that i meant when u try to browse ur Workgroup , u will shoot out Packets from ur IP. that is -- someone on same Workgroup with ZA enabled may catch ur IP as an intruder. similarly (on LAN generally) when someone on ur workgroup may start to bowse the network neighbourhood -- he may shoot out outwards packets since that procedure needs to ping ur IP at port 8 for ping & 137 to 139 for filesharing etc... thats how ur my network places shows users on Workgroup or domain...
I guess im a little Clear on that ???

Wrong,if that was the case then the IP addresses in the log should have been internal IP addresses & not public IP addresses :) Also check the scans dude there is just one ICMP[PING] scan in the screen so that rules out your ping.
Do you see a internal IP address there? :hap5: From little knowledge that I've ISP's wont have a internal network with PUBLIC ip addresses.It will only be internal ip addresses withing a local network behind a gateway such as a NAT router or a proxy.
As far as your case is concerned you are behind a in a local network behind a gateway device which at the same time allows other hosts in the same SUBNET to share resources.

Mind one thing -- IDLE state does not means ur TCP/IP connection(LAN, DSL,Cable anything) is completely ZERO. Ur IP needs to send KEEP ALIVE pings to the server else ur IP looses its existence with the Network its logged in to.generally u can call them NOOP commands--- though noop commands in precise terms are used by FTP clients to keep the connections from Being KICKED OFF form the Server if no activity for a certain period of time.

Are we talking of dial-up here? :huh: or did I miss something interesting?

TCP/IP is not at all Complicated,infact its a very easy things to understand if ur fundamentals are clear. But this is where most people Lack(i admit im no master) & this is why networking is Kind of the most Distinguished or i sh;d say Overlooked Feild of IT industry.
Overlooked? Bah I say this field rocks.Maybe its just me :bleh:
eh? Have you ever pondered over "open ports" ? have you ever considered "port scans"?
Have you ever understood what netcat could do to your system?
Dude there is no point in being online without a firewall if you dont understand what
goes on the OS level.

Open ports, do these ports open automatically, NO, its bcoz dumb users install
malicious progs from the net.

How do you think DDoS[Distributed Denial of Service of attacks] take place?
Hosts which are unsecured taken control of & are made into remote machines popularly
called as "zombie machines" which then combine together to launch a massive DOS on
a single host.So you are telling me you dont have a part to play in this?
Everybody has a part to play.
Thx for the little tutorial on zombie machines. Digen tell me when was the last time your pc was a part of such ddos attack. Or was your pc the victim of such attacks.

This happens when kids click on HackYourFriendsPC.exe. Hope u get it. :P

I used to do dos attacks on my friends with my 128k cable connection n they were on dial up couple of years ago.
Patching the OS,installing & regularly updating a AV,installing a firewall...these are the basic things you gotta to do to secure your machine.Call them the Holy Grail of basic security of you like. And most importantly "common sense" rules.How much security & how little or more it is would depend upon the person sitting infront of the computer.

Common sense, finally you get my point. If you know what you are doing then you wont need a firewall.
You visit warez sites huh? then have you ever heard of "EXE BINDERS" ? The least you know the crack you downloaded last night was packed with a trojan horse which unpacked itself on double clicking the crack & starts waiting for a connection on so n so port number.

Again thx for the tutorial on exe binders. Here again common sense tells you to stick with a reliable crack n warez source. I havent seen a single viri or trojan from the files i download from my source. N btw what happend to that software which we call antivirus program.
If i remember correctly, there was this exploit for MSN messenger, which still exists i guess. The thing was that if your system was packeted on a particular port with some code, you'd get a pop up on your desktop. Now that code could be engineered to download spyware, and do loads of stuff. I know a couple of people here who

experienced that problem as well. A firewall stopped that dead in it's tracks.

I dont use that buggy software, so dont know what you are talking about. Trillian or gaim works for me.
In fact you can test your system yourself. You can just visit one of the many Firewall test sites on the net and see whats open on your comp, and how vulnerable you really are.

Well i do it weekly and im not vulnerable.

About your aol post, will search google to see what was the exact reason but im sure it must be bcoz of an unpatched os.

Talking about aol, my couzin who had aol connection was so scared when she started geting random pop ups and ads even when she was not browsing, it was bcoz of the messenger service. the point is you dont run to and download the latest badass firewall, you try to find the problem.

As they say a chain is as strong as its weakest link, the weakest link is us. A firewall gives a user a false sense of security, thatz all it does.

Are there any other geniune reasons y we need a firewall.

I forgot the link but secunia showed that your firewalled machine wont help you in phishing attacks etc.
Hacker said:
Open ports, do these ports open automatically, NO, its bcoz dumb users install
malicious progs from the net.
Thx for the little tutorial on zombie machines. Digen tell me when was the last time your pc was a part of such ddos attack. Or was your pc the victim of such attacks.

This happens when kids click on HackYourFriendsPC.exe. Hope u get it. :P

I used to do dos attacks on my friends with my 128k cable connection n they were on dial up couple of years ago.
Patching the OS,installing & regularly updating a AV,installing a firewall...these are the basic things you gotta to do to secure your machine.Call them the Holy Grail of basic security of you like. And most importantly "common sense" rules.How much security & how little or more it is would depend upon the person sitting infront of the computer.

Common sense, finally you get my point. If you know what you are doing then you wont need a firewall.
Again thx for the tutorial on exe binders. Here again common sense tells you to stick with a reliable crack n warez source. I havent seen a single viri or trojan from the files i download from my source. N btw what happend to that software which we call antivirus program.
I dont use that buggy software, so dont know what you are talking about. Trillian or gaim works for me.
Well i do it weekly and im not vulnerable.

About your aol post, will search google to see what was the exact reason but im sure it must be bcoz of an unpatched os.

Talking about aol, my couzin who had aol connection was so scared when she started geting random pop ups and ads even when she was not browsing, it was bcoz of the messenger service. the point is you dont run to and download the latest badass firewall, you try to find the problem.

As they say a chain is as strong as its weakest link, the weakest link is us. A firewall gives a user a false sense of security, thatz all it does.

Are there any other geniune reasons y we need a firewall.

I forgot the link but secunia showed that your firewalled machine wont help you in phishing attacks etc.

LOL this thread is fun.Lets take it one by one in order.... :ohyeah:
Open ports? There are 65,535 TCP & 65,535 UDP ports which are open by default unless you install a firewall which blocks them . :)
Let me ask you what do you define "malicious" ? You tell me you visit warez sites & cracks you downloaded malicious? Just because its from a trusted source ? What is trusted in a warez world first of all?
How do you distinguish that the crack you downloaded & double clicked on is not malicious?
Warez site & trusted source :rofl: OMG those two words dont match dude!
Regarding zombie machines as an example of a DDoS attack is concerned I've never been a victim of such a attack..maybe it sounds cliche but all thanks to the basic security measures that I follow & preach :)

How do you know that HackYourFriendsPC.exe isnt binded to the crack file you downloaded last night? :D

Agreed about "common sense" if you know what you are doing but as you said you visit warez & dont have a firewall....well that explains it all for me.

Reliable crack n warez source? :O as I said earlier those small words are shouting CONTRADICTION :)
so guyz --- the ones who are using unlicensed copies do not use Any patches or anything else ok. Big uncle says no no ----
use the software with its Bugs & all
but install 3-4 firewalls to choke up ur machines neck thouroughly
digen said:
Open ports? There are 65,535 TCP & 65,535 UDP ports which are open by default unless you install a firewall which blocks them . :)

Can you do one thing, do a fresh install xp+sp2 (with xp's firewall disabled n disabling all junk services) on pc n then go to any site which scans your pc. eg
n tell me whats the result. ill tel u the result it will say all your ports are closed but did accept a conection from outside. wen u install a firewall the result will say its stealth. Bet you didnt know that. :ohyeah:

Reliable crack n warez source? :O as I said earlier those small words are shouting CONTRADICTION :)

you are saying this bcoz you are not in THE CIRCLE. :D
You shoting contradiction doesnt make any difference to me.

Dont worry someday even you will get a realiable source.
Common dude tell some more reasons why i should install a firewalll. :tongue:
Can you do one thing, do a fresh install xp+sp2 (with xp's firewall disabled n disabling all junk services) on pc n then go to any site which scans your pc. eg
n tell me whats the result. ill tel u the result it will say all your ports are closed but did accept a conection from outside. wen u install a firewall the result will say its stealth. Bet you didnt know that

Yes thats correct,I admit a mistake on my part.If the ports would have to be "open" there would have to be a "service" or a "daemon" binding to the port.
EDIT:Btw what bout the other questions that I asked for? No answers for them since you are in the CIRCLE :rofl:

you are saying this bcoz you are not in THE CIRCLE.
You shoting contradiction doesnt make any difference to me.

Dont worry someday even you will get a realiable source.

I'm not in the circle ? :rofl: lmao you kidding me bet i dont want to be in such a circle full of HOLES & TRUSTABLE warez :tongue:

Common dude tell some more reasons why i should install a firewalll.
I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it. :bleh: :ohyeah:
@mehargags : That unlicensed part accounts for ATLEAST half of India's online population. I've got 1 firewall running, and i deem it sufficient. You can go ahead and use that kidney which you seem to be in love with, to protect your system. My CPU can handle the load of GTA running for 6 hours at a stretch. I'm pretty sure it can handle the "load". If it can't, i'll be sure to sue AMD and you'll see that piece of news on the Portal.

@digen : kewl mate :)

@Hacker : As digen said in his post, he hasn't been victim to such attacks. Neither have i, as i too follow some basic security practices, and they seem to have worked so far, haven't they :)

About the buggy software, I use it. Now what should i do ? :)

You can go ahead and search and the net. Also if you can, look back through all the issues of Chip and Digit over the last 1 year or so for that little piece of news. Additionally

AOL users are zombies : Switch off ISPs, save the world

The title speaks for itself. AOL users are taken to be the typical n00bs of the net.

Also, you claim that the firewall gives me a false sense of security. How ?

And how is your patched machine without a firewall better then my unpatched machine with a firewall when it comes to a phishing attack. Phishing is nothin but social engineering. I don't see how or even why a firewall would have anything to do in stopping it.


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