Open ports, do these ports open automatically, NO, its bcoz dumb users install
malicious progs from the net.
Thx for the little tutorial on zombie machines. Digen tell me when was the last time your pc was a part of such ddos attack. Or was your pc the victim of such attacks.
This happens when kids click on HackYourFriendsPC.exe. Hope u get it.
I used to do dos attacks on my friends with my 128k cable connection n they were on dial up couple of years ago.
Patching the OS,installing & regularly updating a AV,installing a firewall...these are the basic things you gotta to do to secure your machine.Call them the Holy Grail of basic security of you like. And most importantly "common sense" rules.How much security & how little or more it is would depend upon the person sitting infront of the computer.
Common sense, finally you get my point. If you know what you are doing then you wont need a firewall.
Again thx for the tutorial on exe binders. Here again common sense tells you to stick with a reliable crack n warez source. I havent seen a single viri or trojan from the files i download from my source. N btw what happend to that software which we call antivirus program.
I dont use that buggy software, so dont know what you are talking about. Trillian or gaim works for me.
Well i do it weekly and im not vulnerable.
About your aol post, will search google to see what was the exact reason but im sure it must be bcoz of an unpatched os.
Talking about aol, my couzin who had aol connection was so scared when she started geting random pop ups and ads even when she was not browsing, it was bcoz of the messenger service. the point is you dont run to and download the latest badass firewall, you try to find the problem.
As they say a chain is as strong as its weakest link, the weakest link is us. A firewall gives a user a false sense of security, thatz all it does.
Are there any other geniune reasons y we need a firewall.
I forgot the link but secunia showed that your firewalled machine wont help you in phishing attacks etc.
LOL this thread is fun.Lets take it one by one in order....

Open ports? There are 65,535 TCP & 65,535 UDP ports which are open by default unless you install a firewall which blocks them .

Let me ask you what do you define "malicious" ? You tell me you visit warez sites & cracks you downloaded malicious? Just because its from a trusted source ? What is trusted in a warez world first of all?
How do you distinguish that the crack you downloaded & double clicked on is not malicious?
Warez site & trusted source :rofl: OMG those two words dont match dude!
Regarding zombie machines as an example of a DDoS attack is concerned I've never been a victim of such a attack..maybe it sounds cliche but all thanks to the basic security measures that I follow & preach
How do you know that HackYourFriendsPC.exe isnt binded to the crack file you downloaded last night?
Agreed about "common sense"
if you know what you are doing but as you said you visit warez & dont have a firewall....well that explains it all for me.
Reliable crack n warez source? :O as I said earlier those small words are shouting CONTRADICTION