First gen iPad 16GB for 19999. Limited offer

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OK guys, I have no clue how much this is supposed to cost, but I felt the price is competitive considering they also bundle in an iPad dock. The site also says limited period offer and this is available only one PRE-book.

Seventymm Special price: Rs.19,990
MRP: Rs.24,500
Order now by paying Rs.999 & pay the balance later
Delivery & Handling charges of Rs.890 extra

Apple iPad @
Considering the difference in features between iPad and iPad 2, I think the wait of 10 business days is well worth it for the savings entailed. Moreoever, even purchasing an iPad 2 or any other device online will conveniently take up to 5 days. At the end of the day it is about VFM, and at this price, I think the iPad is great VFM in India
ipad 1 is i think a couple of k's costlier to be considered hot deal.still a awesome product nonetheless.
Grey Market price for Ipad 1 64gb Is 25k..In Mumbai

Secondly with bil and without bill has nothing to do,as ipads carry international warranty on serial Number..

20k is guess is on a higher side..
I bought the Ipad 1 with the SeventyMM and sold the Ipad Dock to a friend of mine for Rs.1500. Its a pretty good deal in my opinion =)

Edit :- Please note that its not 19990, its actually 20880.
hahahari said:
Am gonna wait till september/october and get the ipad 2 when it drops to 22kish
why will the prices crash is it bacause steve jobs has resigned as the CEO of apple??
^^ after you buy this you will feel sick that you even thought about the touchpad.

That good enuf for you mate?
vantheman5211 said:
^^ after you buy this you will feel sick that you even thought about the touchpad.

That good enuf for you mate?

The iPad 1 is inferior compared to the TouchPad in every way except for the iTunes app/song library. If you compare the iPad 2 and the Touchpad, I'll agree with you there.

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teche said:
How good a deal is this? Might just get this one to satisfy the craving for HP TP!:ashamed:

Mate, try getting the Viewsonic Gtab. Solid Android device, you'll get it on the cheap if you are on the lookout for it.

"The iPad 1 is inferior compared to the TouchPad in every way except for the iTunes app/song library. If you compare the iPad 2 and the Touchpad, I'll agree with you there."

iPad > hp touchpad

Great apps,games,superb browsing,amazing app support,awesome design,iTunes.

You are basically saying that a tablet which flopped completely is better than something which was the 2nd best selling tablet of all time.hp touchpad however beats iPad in specs I will give you that.

As for iPad 2 well it's embarrassing to mention the touchpad even in the same's like ipad2>daylight>touchpad.

The above are just my opinions!
The hype generated with the product is tremendous, difficult to ignore!

Btw is this deal the best buy & should one opt for Wifi or 3G model?

How easy is it to use your mobile 3G connection on iPad through Wifi?
JT_daniel said:
Can't argue with a apple fanboy, I'm afraid.

That's like talking to a brick wall. Oh well, to each his own.

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