21-30k First time builder (budget)

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So I am on a really tight budget of around 30k. I also don't have a moniter. The main thing is it should work and have ok Performance. Could you guys recommend some parts
All depends on what you will be using it for and do you have any future upgrades planned.
If your goal is just "it should work and have ok Performance" then it's much more economical to buy a refurbished thinc client for 15-20k.
Like this one https://amzn.eu/d/gq3CsTy

They are more than capable of handling day to day tasks
My ruthless economy build was based around a 5600G, with an added GPU later down the line. I would recommend sticking to parts that are a bit aged.

for starters I would suggest something like this.

Feel free to tweak this according to your needs. Good luck building!
I made some changes how is this build https://pcpricetracker.in/b/s/57d030dc-aded-4197-b025-44ca5bb0a961
Ps: case I will buy from amazon
Ok, this is gonna be difficult but not impossible. If you are OK with used parts you can even get a fairly performant build. You can readily find PSUs and MOBOs here. A lot of nice people to help you here. B450 is cheaply available these days. Prime day sale coming on Amazon, you might score a 5600G at a good price.
Ok, this is gonna be difficult but not impossible. If you are OK with used parts you can even get a fairly performant build. You can readily find PSUs and MOBOs here. A lot of nice people to help you here. B450 is cheaply available these days. Prime day sale coming on Amazon, you might score a 5600G at a good price.
I am ok with used parts
I would consider used parts for the GPU, honestly you could score a used rx580 for 8k otherwise this build won't be as fulfilling with a 550.
Overall, looks fine, down the line you could get another stick of the same ram for more performance.
Yes I am looking for used parts could you recommend some websites other than this one
So I am on a really tight budget of around 30k. I also don't have a moniter. The main thing is it should work and have ok Performance. Could you guys recommend some parts
Could you tell us more about your usage? What are you expecting an 'ok performance' on?
If gaming - Games, resolution, etc ; If professional work like editing, 3d rendering - Software, storage needs, etc.
You can use this template to make it easy.

Going with used parts (mainly GPU) is a good idea for budget builds. But, since you mention that it's your first time build, make sure you know everything about things to look for or check before buying. You can also reach out for help here.

Also, does your budget include/exclude for monitor?
Could you tell us more about your usage? What are you expecting an 'ok performance' on?
If gaming - Games, resolution, etc ; If professional work like editing, 3d rendering - Software, storage needs, etc.

Going with used parts (mainly GPU) is a good idea for budget builds. But, since you mention that it's your first time build, make sure you know everything about things to look for or check before buying. You can also reach out for help here.
It will be mostly used for gaming. Like I am fine with 60 fps on medium/low settings. I won't be playing any latest AAA games. Older games like doom eternal or gta v
Could you tell us more about your usage? What are you expecting an 'ok performance' on?
If gaming - Games, resolution, etc ; If professional work like editing, 3d rendering - Software, storage needs, etc.
You can use this template to make it easy.

Going with used parts (mainly GPU) is a good idea for budget builds. But, since you mention that it's your first time build, make sure you know everything about things to look for or check before buying. You can also reach out for help here.

Also, does your budget include/exclude for monitor?

Wise words, @OP heed his words. Now here are some tips

1. PSU: a 450/500 W PSU shouldn't cost you more than 1500 Used
2. CPU: If you can't find used
This is 9.3k brand new. You will have to extend your budget to 36k to accommodate a GPU though. Or if you don't want to cross your budget get a 5600G that will let you play GTA5 above 60FPS at medium settings and drop the GPU entirely.
3. Mobo: around 4-5k used
This is INR 6300 Brand new and one of the best budget/mid-segment b450 Mobos, you don't have to buy the mobo used anyway

4. You can get a used 1660 for around 8-10k here on TE.
5. Monitor will cost you around 6-8k (decent 60fps nothing fancy)
6. You might have to buy one or two 120mm fans
7: Cabinet: whatever is left of your 36k budget you add it to the cabinet. You can buy low-quality that's fine but don't buy heat boxes.
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if not in gaming and need for office purpose & light gaming like angry bird etc. , any entry level Graphic Card upto 4000/- will also enough for Display, latter, if wish serious gaming, can add any High-end GPU as per your budget
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