90K+ First time building PC for Gaming

Was cable management easy though? The A3 is known to be a bit hard for cable management.
I have built a PC for the first time, so I don't have any comparison to say how much difficult cable management really is for this case; but it did take a lot of planning on my part, including watching youtube videos and going through countless reddit posts to finally be able to order the right set of components & aftermarket cables that would fit perfectly in this case.
I have also had to make couple of changes in cables & their positiioning and also use a lof of zip ties & velcros to help secure them in a neat and tidy manner.
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@Arjan just saw you are using an acer monitor. I am looking to buy the same model. Would you recommend it or should I go with something else ?
Got this monitor as it was highly recommended in this forum at the price point of ~15k. Many have reportedly picked this up for around 13.5k during the flipkart sale. Even around 15-16k, I believe its a good reliable monitor with 1440p display & 180Hz refresh rate, and shall serve you well while not costing a lot on your pocket. When you do decide to upgrage to an LED/OLED panel in future, you can still use this as a second monitor.
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