Flumoxed by Netlimiter

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Ok, so I down loaded Netlimiter 2 monitor, free edition and got stumped by a few readings!!

First off, when opening any web page/content net limiter shows the current download and upload speed. What zapped me was the speed was being shared 50/50 between the browser and Kaspersky AV. This surprised me-did not think AV was such an Internet speed hog?? And sure enough when I checked stats (after browsing for a while)for download and upload again shared 50/50. Is this normal? Seriously, if one is on a capped BB plan the Av chews up 50% of the down/up limit!!!

The second really, really, really strange thing.... Net limiter shows much higher sent & received values, when compared to the Internet connection status in the sys tray???!!! At least 75% higher how the hell is this possible. For some reason I'm inclined to believe Netlimiter.

Can some one please shed some light on the above.
OK, I think you haven't set up netlimiter properly. The network detection is screwed. The AV is probably making a local loopback connection, or perhaps connecting to the local network, but netlimiter seems to be thinking it is connected to the net.
OK, I think you haven't set up netlimiter properly. The network detection is screwed. The AV is probably making a local loopback connection, or perhaps connecting to the local network, but netlimiter seems to be thinking it is connected to the net.

That makes sense. Will check if I can configure it. Any ideas on another free ware that can monitor usage. Thanks.
Well even i installed Netlimiter today..

Here's the screenshot :-

Whats ekrn ??

Also whats the difference between limit and grant..?
Eh ! Ekrn.exe has 10-15 established connection open all the time. Strangely the

DL & UL data rate is the same here, what a bum !!!!

Switched back to 2.7(from 3.0.621)... everything works fine.


ekern is Eset Antivirus engine, disabling it is like closing the program :P
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