FOOBAR , Need Help. Installing 1st time

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:) Ok.. installed.. Does seem to have many nice things, a bit complicated though..

Q1: How to Set nything to Play on double click and the following songs should go into the now playing list?
Q2: Where is the now playing list?
Q3: After quicksearch, how to play the song on double click, jst as asked in q1?

Q4: How to show foobar in Taskbar instead of system tray?
And isnt there any Pack available in which i wont have to install the add-ons/plugins 1 by1 as it seems such a treacherous work for a noobie like me.

nope. i think the foobar license does not allow such distribution
Heard foobar's sound quality is better than winamp. Listening to foobar now, feels a bit better to me too (Psychological?)
The only thing better (soundwise) with FB2K is that it is sample perfect. I have not used winamp since the 2.91 days, maybe someone can confirm if this is still the case.

Going by your screen grab, it looks like you have a lot of albums, how do find winamp at managing it all ?
lol winamp's media library is simply THE BEST... i have got continously increasing 35+ GB of music n ther isnt 1 song i havnt heard! THts coz of winamp. c this:


(Not my library, havnt installed winamp since i formatted windows)

The recently added, most played, top rated, n that always ther' search bar which can hunt down on any parameter (Folder name to genre to artist / etc)

Thts y i stuck to winamp for so long, but the sound quality wnts me to let go.
Well, you will have a tough time getting similar functionality with FB2K ?

Ask on the winamp forums whether it is sample perfect. If it is then there is "technically" no sound difference between the two.

Otherwise do the test yourself, enable disk writer mode. Playback a track without any sound effects. Then decode the same file to wav using flac and compare the two wavs. If there is no diff i think you can 'assume' winamp is sample perfect.

When i think of it winamp is sample perfect in its playback (almost), its in the seeking that it uses tricks to speed things up. Tho this was in the earlier versions, not sure if its still the case today.
sato1986 said:
:) Ok.. installed.. Does seem to have many nice things, a bit complicated though..

Q1: How to Set nything to Play on double click and the following songs should go into the now playing list?

Q2: Where is the now playing list?

Q3: After quicksearch, how to play the song on double click, jst as asked in q1?

Q4: How to show foobar in Taskbar instead of system tray?

I think you have used some different version of foobar. I have the barebones version of foobar downloaded from and everything is set to default in File> Preferences.

1 and 3 happen by default.

2 - playlist tab currently on focus is now playing playlist. i mean if you have two playlists default and trance, default currently focussed. Then doubleclick on a song from outside (in explorer) it goes to default playlist and starts playing from there.

4. Under file > preferences > display - default user interface : system notification area -> uncheck minimize to system notification icon
Some essential add-ons for foobar

If you are in vista then try using WASAPI add-on for bit perfect audio

If you want foobar to be in tray instead of task bar then use Advanced Tools add-on

For minilyrics kinda feature use Lyrics show add-on

For updating the audio tags use

Dockable panels

there are many more add-ons you can get from hydrogen audio forum

Without a doubt foobar is simply the best audio player i ever used(gr8 sound quality and add-on features)

All the best with foobaring
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