For the ears!


I got this recently, didn't have time to take photos. Taken with my secondary cam, the main one has gone for servicing.

Nothing can do justice to the actual look, especially the grain on the wood cups. They're beautiful. Even had I used the D700, I wouldn't have been happy with the look, and I was surprised when I saw the new lighter wood finish on the RS1i.

Spot the difference between the two!
Nice purchase, congrats, but just wanted to confirm, at the price range it sells for, hasnt there been any new addition to HPs which are better than these???
thebanik said:
Nice purchase, congrats, but just wanted to confirm, at the price range it sells for, hasnt there been any new addition to HPs which are better than these???

At this price range, it's not about being better. It's about offering a different sonic signature. These are unique in terms of offering a forward sound that is both lively and thus involving. There are many 700$ headphones, some of which I've heard, but it's difficult to choose a winner - different cans do different music and instruments better and living with one is a tough decision. For me, the D7000 offers a sound that is great for folk rock, country, ballads and jazz, while the RS1/RS1i offer great sound for rock, metal, country and folk rock - these are the genres I listen to, with a bit of pop.

Sometimes, it's a good idea to choose your 5-6 genres of music that you'll spend most time with and buy a can around that. Other times, it's beneficial to lock on to a sound signature you prefer. The only headphones I haven't heard in the 700~1000$ range are the W5000 and the GS1000i - the latter is on a future buying list, but once I do get it, I'll sell off two of the other headphones. Locking 3000$ on cans is ridiculous, any way you look at it.

^Nobody could spot the difference between the two photos?
viralbug said:

So, even the RS1 come in a shitty package? :|

Lol, so do the GS1000i; Grado needs lessons on presentation ;)
Does it really matter? I'd rather have 10$ more spent on research to make em sound better, than 30$ on better packaging.
Vandal said:
For me, the D7000 offers a sound that is great for folk rock, country, ballads and jazz, while the RS1/RS1i offer great sound for rock, metal, country and folk rock - these are the genres I listen to, with a bit of pop.
How would you describe the sound these cans reproduce then ?

I'm trying to classify them and put a label on it :)

They're not neutral, maybe they are more bright than dark. Warm over cold which is another way of saying the same.

Upfront ?

Laidback ?

Vandal said:
Sometimes, it's a good idea to choose your 5-6 genres of music that you'll spend most time with and buy a can around that.
Easy if thats all you listen to :(

Vandal said:
Other times, it's beneficial to lock on to a sound signature you prefer.

Someone knowledgeable needs to wirte an essay titled - The Tao (way) of headphone selection or more plainly The Art of Headphone Selection

Any takers ?
Finally ! Now to set up an appointment to hear these beauties. :)

Btw what is the difference in the pics ? They are the same headphones for sure since the paper on which they are resting is the same. :S
^It's been done to death. Perceptions differ - this is not like driving a car, one mans heaven is another's poison. Google Too subjective to choose the best can for one genre, if you cannot afford to invest in high-end headphone"s", it's better not to audition one.

Choose your answer...

Bright and dark is not the same as warm and cold. At times these terms are emotive...difficult because the subject matter is as subjective as sound. Judging a good looking chick would be easier :p

BF1983 said:
Finally ! Now to set up an appointment to hear these beauties. :)

Btw what is the difference in the pics ? They are the same headphones for sure since the paper on which they are resting is the same. :S

Lol, willing to bet something? The box and receipt is definitely the same, but are you missing something?
Vandal said:
^It's been done to death. Perceptions differ - this is not like driving a car, one mans heaven is another's poison. Google Too subjective to choose the best can for one genre, if you cannot afford to invest in high-end headphone"s", it's better not to audition one.

Choose your answer...

Bright and dark is not the same as warm and cold. At times these terms are emotive...difficult because the subject matter is as subjective as sound. Judging a good looking chick would be easier :p

SO I guess we won't be getting a review from you about these cans then :p
Vandal said:
Lol, so do the GS1000i; Grado needs lessons on presentation ;)
Does it really matter? I'd rather have 10$ more spent on research to make em sound better, than 30$ on better packaging.

I actually agree with you on that. I don't personally bother much about packaging.
Congrats saar. When can I come and audition the elite gear. Let me know in advance, will have to get all the hair treatment done, advised by you to try out the cans :rofl:.
blr_p said:
SO I guess we won't be getting a review from you about these cans then :p

Lol, I have a huge HDTV coming in as well, and other headphones that I got just before these, which were pretty hi-fi too ;) I don't have time to review all this stuff - I'm too busy enjoying them...

^UB - the RS1i and the now discontinued RS1 both retailed for 695$ to be exact, and I don't think the rates differ anywhere. One of the advantages Grado enjoys - you almost always are guaranteed a quick sale for second hand stuff, and at good prices...

^Faheem no special treatment required - just no hairoil - ****s up the leather on the headbands. And I now have four headphones with leather headbands (hint!)
Vandal said:
^Faheem no special treatment required - just no hairoil - ****s up the leather on the headbands. And I now have four headphones with leather headbands (hint!)
Don't you just hate it when those types come over for a visit lean their heads against your wall and leave a nice oily patch as a souvenir :mad:
blr_p said:
Don't you just hate it when those types come over for a visit lean their heads against your wall and leave a nice oily patch as a souvenir :mad:

Now imagine it being done to a pristine leather headband that cannot be washed or painted ;)
Congrats! I had the HF2's and sold them, Grado's are just not for me. I didn't like the sr80 or the sr225..

So whats your whole setup like?

The difference between the two.. one is the old RS1 and the other is the updated RS1i?