For the ears!

BF1983 said:
^^ Is this true ? :)

I thought one was the HF2 but google said no.

Brendon - HF2 - you gotta be kidding :p

^Congrats superfrag - you win.

The split cables are around/approx the same thickness - just the jacket is thicker. After the Y cable, everything is much thicker. Lighter wood on RS1i - not mahogany...
ATM am on either an Essence ST or a basic CD player from Philips. I don't want to buy a DAC, so am planning on buying a good CDP (Denon 710 / CA 650C), also because I keep my headphone rig in the bedroom - no space for a DAC. The only reason I haven't gone out and bought one of these CDPs is I'm totally divided on the reviews. The CA will make a better complement to my speaker rig, while the Denon CDP has a headphone out, which can be useful, it also has a newer DAC.

Amping is not required for the these cans, but I use my LD Micro Tube - finally. Upgrading that is also due, WA6SE most likely, because I need the two outputs. But I need to save up. ATM, on my current setup, I do not notice much of a difference between both versions of the Grado - more like a subtle tonal shift in the mid-range, and slightly extended highs, but that could be pre-burn in brightness...only 10 hours on the RS1i ATM.

Denons (D7000) are also in the mix of things, as is the AT A900 and SR225. But I am not getting time to listen to music on my HPs which is pissing off...only speakers ATM.
FaH33m said:
You got a D7k as well :O ? I need to visit your place asap :p. When is Brendon coming ?

Lol. Upgrade from mid-fi land, it's worth it :p

Superfrag - you need to submit a detailed review of a WA6. Then sell it, buy a WA6SE and review that. You *will* do this ;)
Quick - I need to decide...
Superfrag said:
Wait for one month, I'm going to CanJam this year, I should be able to listen to the WA6 SE! :p

OK, here's what you do. Sample the WA6SE, and stay in touch. If you're coming down to India again, I may worry you to buy me the amp and bring it down. Would gladly pay for your trouble...
I will gladly sample it for you. But I'm not coming to India anytime soon.. and the WA6 + WA6 SE will occupy one whole checked baggage by itself..