Hi buddies
I formatted my SD card of Canon IXUX 95IS by mistake (from camera menu option)
It contains all the pics of my recent vocation trip.....
How to recover it safely......!!!! (plz say it can be recovered....)
Is there any risk free option to do at my PC or should I approach any data recovery shop ?
Thanks a Loads in advance.....!!!!!!
(don't know where to post this thread, so posted here...Mods, plz move it if required)
I formatted my SD card of Canon IXUX 95IS by mistake (from camera menu option)
It contains all the pics of my recent vocation trip.....
How to recover it safely......!!!! (plz say it can be recovered....)
Is there any risk free option to do at my PC or should I approach any data recovery shop ?
Thanks a Loads in advance.....!!!!!!
(don't know where to post this thread, so posted here...Mods, plz move it if required)