Fracture .. a real surprise from LucasArts

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Here u go :

LucasArts announced their “groundbreaking” third-person action shooter today, where the player can literally alter the terrain with his arsenal of weapons. And refreshingly, LucasArts released a bunch of screenshots and an ingame video to back up the ambitious claims, saying “Unlike many other next-gen games on the market, Fracture simply isn’t possible in the previous generation of consoles.“

LucarArts surprises and impresses with Fracture at That PS3 Blog
LucasArts was used to be developing games exclusively for PC. Now wat happened to 'em, this is only for consoles. Are PC games have begining to get extincted??
nukeu666 said:
didnt red faction also brag about being able to change terrain with their big guns?

Yup,they did..tht was the cool factor abt it but for some reason the sequel was limited in it's environment destructability.If a rocket launcher can blow up a tank then why the hell can't it blow up a wall inside a building unless it's made up of aditya birla cement..

Loved the first one,sequel was kinda okay but had good multiplayer..can't wait for the 3rd part.
If a rocket launcher can blow up a tank then why the hell can't it blow up a wall inside a building

U knw how many ppl whored the level design of RF1 wid that? :P

LucasArts was used to be developing games exclusively for PC. Now wat happened to 'em, this is only for consoles. Are PC games have begining to get extincted??

Pc market is very demanding right now, makes sense if u want to start some cash flow wid lowkey risks & efforts(he doesn't have more star wars flicks...he needs to play it safe)

Pc gaming will soon exist only in mods and a few titles here and there...overall it will be much better then now.
hellrider said:
LucasArts was used to be developing games exclusively for PC. Now wat happened to 'em, this is only for consoles. Are PC games have begining to get extincted??

I was a big fan of jedi knight and jedi academy and then they made the Star Wars Episode III game was console only :@
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