frankmehta gets a new set of 'phones: The Soundmagic PL-50

FaH33m said:
^ Yes they don't need much of burn-in since they are balanced armatures, Ive done ~20-25 hrs on these but not much change as such. There are things I love about these ,the soundstage, the overall fun sounding and musically engaging mids and vocals ..Even the bass is perfect with foam tips..
It's just the grainy noise / distortion at times which spoils the fun.I am doubting the badly encoded tracks are to be blamed ,though I am listening to all 320s mostly.:S.

what is the source that you are using?
^ Sana Clip+ and Iphone 2G .The noise ,distortion is mainly with Iphone .. could be due to the high internal amping of treble in ipods.The ipod/iphones are anyways a little bright.Also tried Fiio E5 with clip and Fiio E1 with the iphone .

Anyways I will find out the issue ,when I use them for analytical listening during the review. Right now it's just casual listening .

asked you cause I wanted to confirm if it's an issue with my PL-50 only or it's common. anyways I guess we are hijacking someone's show off thread. :ashamed:.