Free eBooks from FlipKart Flyte


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FlipKart Flyte: Free eBooks (9459 eBooks)

Most of the books were of no interest to me, and when I tried to download a book and got this message :

Note:You can only read this using
Flyte eBooks Android app

I hope Flipkart will add more "interesting" books in the free category.
I you guys find any book interesting, please post the link here.

I downloaded this one : Anthropology

Just checked the Flyte eBook reader and apparently there are lots of classics available for free from authors like Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, HG Wells etc.
+1 for Project Gutenberg. They have a huge number of books which have been organized very nicely. More importantly, you can download books in a variety of formats to read on your phone, or ebook reader etc.
For those interested in free audio books : Librivox.

Quality is (sometimes) not comparable to studio recordings of professionally done works, but, they are "officially" free!
Could try also for some free ebooks.
Many of these sites take the text from gutenberg and modify it to add better formatting and mobi/epub conversions.

There are books on Flyte which I did like to buy, but the format neither being epub or mobi is what is putting me off.