Friend need new pc at home @ 15k [Max 20k]

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I have e8400 with G31 based mobo. Will it be worthy for me to upgrade to AMD A8-3850 / A-A75-D3H (rev. 1.0) combo? I will be using Sapphire 4830 in addition.
^ Gaming (SF4, MafiaII, Crash Time III were the recent ones I played), occasional Video/Image editing, and rest usual stuff.^
^^ Then wait till Bulldozer comes out, slight revision will be put in pricing for the current generation Intel Core i3 / i5 series chips, then depending on overall performance / pricing make a pick.
ALPHA17 said:
I'm just saying to be future-proof the Llano makes ample sense the Intel HD 3000 graphics get pulverized by the HD 6550 / HD 6450 class GPU included in the Llano chipset. Now I'm not being argumentative but I think its worth it, with Windows Vista the jump over XP's Luna GUI was manifold I shudder to think how Windows 8 might come out.

LIano platform is not futureproof... FM1 is AMD's LGA1156... Its gonna get EOL'ed when AMD Bulldozer Based Fusion APUs would come out... If you dont care much about power consumption then i would advice you to buy AMD Phenom II X4 840 ~ 4800 + Gigabyte GA880GM-USB3L ~ 4200 + Sapphire HD5670 512MB ~ 4000 = 13000

A8-3850 ~ 7500/-

Gigabyte GA-A75-S2V ~ 5900/-


Costs less than the Fusion Combo and offers more performance ... AMD Phenom II x4 840 would easily pawn A-3850 in every CPU task and the HD5670 would easily pawn the ondie IGP of A8-3850 by a comparatively huge margin and also offers some more features for post-processing videos which A-3850 ondie IGP lacks and the motherboard that i have suggested ( credits to mrcool63) is AM3+ so you would be able to upgrade to Bulldozer processor in the future...

I know that you dont require a GPU as you already have one but people who are suggesting Liano Combo should advice the combo that i've mentioned...

Just my 2 cents :)
Is the 'Gigabyte GA880GM-USB3L' available widely for ~4.2k? I couldn't find a listing in any of the major online store barring Lynx India (where it is listed for 4.2k + 5% VAT -> ~4.4k) If its widely available in Lammy and NP then it will give the PII X4 955BE another lease of life in the mid-range segment as it will make a great combo for < 10k!
'Gigabyte GA880GM-USB3L' available widely for ~4.2k? couldn't find a listing in any of the major online store barring Lynx India (where it is listed for 4.2k + 5% VAT -> ~4.4k)

Dont Know... :ashamed:... But i think it would be in some stores... TBH its been a long time since i've been to lammy so i can't comment that whether its even available in lammy or not... But i've seen a TE member's thread in showoff section who bought this mobo some few weeks ago...
My friend went to NP and bought following items from SMC

AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE - 5700
Gigabyte GA880GM-USB3L - 4300
Corsair Vengeance (CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9B) 4GB single DIMM - 2200
CM ELITE 430 (Transparent Side Panel) - 2600
Corsair CX430 - 2250
WD 500GB Blue - 1850

Total - 18.9k
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