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You go with tinted doors then this is what you put up with. I don't understand why we can't get clear doors in India for higher end models like Europe or even Singapore

The LG will try ten times to balance the load. It then will spin at the lowest speed if it hasn't given up.

From what I can gather about Samsung is it will try a few times and then launch into a spin which could be unbalanced but it doesn't care and goes through.

This will stress all supporting parts more as a result of poorer detection of unbalanced spins.

Don't know if the higher end Samsungs do a better job at detecting unbalanced spins.

There are ways to mitigate this when loading. Not 100% but better than blindly stuffing and crossing fingers.

Trying to evenly spread the items when loading and then manually spin the drum should give an idea if any imbalance will happen. You can then adjust accordingly.

Picked this up from Indian youtuber who used to do it with her older LG Trom which twenty years ago didn't have as good imbalance detection. Nobody has ever mentioned this technique besides her.