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Just started playing Fuel,the game is kind of ok not as good as race driver grid.Is any one here playing it,can we start a discussion??
Okay, i just installed the game and played for 5mins. The game is a bummer! the controls are shit (Space for accelerator and right Ctrl for revers).. the gfx is not even closer to Grid (as shown FUEL videos). The gfx looks more like Flatout :(. The game is a major turn off i guess... "Will try to play More". But the 1st impression is, its not closer to grid or Paradise City.
totally disappointed played it for 10 mins....

not that gud as we were hoping ....

not able to save the game can ne 1 help in that.....?
Damn, i have to admit i was really looking forward to this one. Based on reviews and friend's opinions it seems to be a dud. Might check it out for myself...

PS: Can you really select events from a list? Doesn't that take away the whole point of the "largest open evironment ever" ?
^^ Dude, srsly dont bother... rather play Virtua Tennis! this is really sick game! its a huge map and env but still its BULLSHIT all the places look alike :S
The controls seem like Dirt . The only thing that stands out in the game if the multi vehicle support that the game has. The controls are good if you have the controller [X 360] .

All in all a good play but not outstanding. Ill give it a 7.5 / 10 :p.
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