Fuji S2000HD


My cousin got me this camera {FUJI S2000HD} as a gift but I have no clue as to how to use it effectively.

Previously I've used SONY Cybershot (DSC W80, IIRC) but this one's got a whole lot of "new" modes which let me set shutter speed, aperture and God knows what else!

They've given a PDF of the manual where they've mentioned (among other things) some steps to recompose pictures etc but I just can't understand whats going on.. So can anyone here tell me what exactly I can do with the cam - like how to use those aperture settings etc to take some snaps.
^ He's right.

For now, switch to the Auto mode.

When you have the time and patience to go through the manual and/or experiment with the camera's features, you can learn to use the new modes. :)
Will put it simple ..........try aperture mode,it determines how much light enters the camera and shutter speed is chosen automatically.big f number like 'f8' lets less light in.