90K+ Full gaming PC build

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 1-1.1Lakhs,Would prefer as cheap as possible,can only extend for Quality components
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

    • None
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Logitech G300 & Compaq KB
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel I5 4670K
    • Motherboard - Asus Z87-A
    • GPU - Asus GTX 780 DC II OC
    • PSU - Seasonic 520W M12II
    • RAM- Corsair vengeance 8gb
    • Cabinet-Corsair 500R
    • Cooler-CM Hyper 212
    • SSD-Samsung 120GB Evo
    • HDD-WD Green 1 TB
    • Monitor-Dell S2440L
    • Speakers-Logitech T12
    • Also a good Headset for 5K
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

    • Final config.
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Lamington Road,Mumbai and Vashi Navi-Mumbai
    • Flipkart,Snapdeal
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
    • Casual Video Rendering/Editing
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Intel processors only
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Civilization 5,Total War Rome II & Shogun II,Company of Heroes 2
    • Racing - Grid 2,Grid:Autosport,Latest NFS
    • FPS - BF4,Bioshock Infinite,Borderlands 2,Crysis 3,Metro:LL,CoD:Advanced Warfare
    • RPG - Dragonage:Inquisition,Witcher 3,Skyrim with graphics mods
    • TPS - TR,Hitman Absolution,GTAV,Watch Dogs with E3 effects mod
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

    1. 1920 x 1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
    • Ubuntu Latest version as a Backup OS
Why do you want only Intel processors?

Intel i5 4570k (15,900)
Cooler Master Hyper 212X (2,770)
MSI Z97 PC Mate (9,030)
G.Skill RipjawsX 1600 MHz 4 GB x2 (6,000)
Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X 4 GB (32,700)
Seasonic S12II 620 W (5,430)
Deepcool Tesseract (2,700)
WD Blue 1 TB 7200 RPM HDD (3,600)
Asus DRW 24B3ST DVD R/W (1,000)
Dell S2240L (8,400)

Total 87,530
Why do you want only Intel processors?

Intel i5 4570k (15,900)
Cooler Master Hyper 212X (2,770)
MSI Z97 PC Mate (9,030)
G.Skill RipjawsX 1600 MHz 4 GB x2 (6,000)
Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X 4 GB (32,700)
Seasonic S12II 620 W (5,430)
Deepcool Tesseract (2,700)
WD Blue 1 TB 7200 RPM HDD (3,600)
Asus DRW 24B3ST DVD R/W (1,000)
Dell S2240L (8,400)

Total 87,530

Well,If i can spend close to 1 lac,i want the best processor for the money
Where did you find the components marked in bold?
FK,Snapdeal,,PrimeABGB,Theitwares don't have them listed.I can't import.
WD Blue 1TB's are back in stock? link pls
Nvidia's GameWorks tech gimps AMD GPU performance and it seems a lot of games(Ubisoft mostly) are going to use this,so GTX 780 just to be safe,Dont want the R9 290
I dont want to wait 6 months for a patch that optimizes the game for an AMD GPU
In WatchDogs i heard that GTX 770 has a 20% performance boost over R9 280X because of GameWorks(or 280X was gimped by 20% idk)

BTW,What is i5 4570K? :p
Well,If i can spend close to 1 lac,i want the best processor for the money
Where did you find the components marked in bold?
FK,Snapdeal,,PrimeABGB,Theitwares don't have them listed.I can't import.
WD Blue 1TB's are back in stock? link pls
Nvidia's GameWorks tech gimps AMD GPU performance and it seems a lot of games(Ubisoft mostly) are going to use this,so GTX 780 just to be safe,Dont want the R9 290
I dont want to wait 6 months for a patch that optimizes the game for an AMD GPU
In WatchDogs i heard that GTX 770 has a 20% performance boost over R9 280X because of GameWorks(or 280X was gimped by 20% idk)

BTW,What is i5 4570K? :p

There is no difference in gaming between an i5 and an i7. Just because you have the budget doesn't mean you definitely have to spend all the money.

> The bold components are available at snapdeal.

> WD Blue is available locally.

> 290 beats 780 is all games. Check the benchmark- http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1068?vs=1036
@PhantomShade - stick to your original component selection, it looks pretty decent. I have no idea why a few members are recommending MSI boards for no reason, especially since this Z97 PC Mate clearly doesn't have a good enough VRM for overclocking. The only change you would need in your selection is bumping up to a beefier ~750W PSU like the Seasonic X-750 or CM V700.
@PhantomShade - stick to your original component selection, it looks pretty decent. I have no idea why a few members are recommending MSI boards for no reason, especially since this Z97 PC Mate clearly doesn't have a good enough VRM for overclocking. The only change you would need in your selection is bumping up to a beefier ~750W PSU like the Seasonic X-750 or CM V700.

Will take a look into this. Can you share some link validating this?
@PhantomShade - stick to your original component selection, it looks pretty decent. I have no idea why a few members are recommending MSI boards for no reason, especially since this Z97 PC Mate clearly doesn't have a good enough VRM for overclocking. The only change you would need in your selection is bumping up to a beefier ~750W PSU like the Seasonic X-750 or CM V700.
Are you sure 750w is required?
People on other forums like Tom's,Overclock.net etc have said that 520w would be enough?
I'm not going to OC Till my PC melts lol.Just 4-4.2ghz,Just incase you assumedi'll need 750w since i'm going to OC alot or something
Anyways just to be safe i'll get a 650w Seasonic
There is no difference in gaming between an i5 and an i7. Just because you have the budget doesn't mean you definitely have to spend all the money.

> The bold components are available at snapdeal.

> WD Blue is available locally.

> 290 beats 780 is all games. Check the benchmark- http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1068?vs=1036

Where did i mention anything related to i7?o_O
I meant since i have a big budget why settle for a budget processor like FX 8350,because you asked that why i dont want an AMD Chip
>Out of stock,Both of them
>Where????? In Lamington road? store name pls.Its OOS on every site i tried
>IKR.I meant current and upcoming Ubisoft games like WD,FC4,Division,The Crew,ACU are rumored to be using GameWork's tech,Which inhibit's AMD GPU performance purposely
But ironically AMD "Gaming Evolved" partner games work just fine on Nvidia GPU's
Over at Forbes, reviewer Jason Evangelho has tested the R9 290X against the Nvidia GTX 770 with full results in a range of configurations coming today. His preliminary results show exactly the kind of skewed pattern I’d previously been concerned about, with the GTX 770 pulling ahead of the more expensive R9 290X at lower detail levels and only slipping barely behind at the highest 1080p settings.
The cheapest GTX 780 i could find was at Prime for 38.4K,can it get cheaper?
Are you sure 750w is required?
People on other forums like Tom's,Overclock.net etc have said that 520w would be enough?
The GTX 780 is rated at 250W of peak power draw (yes it mostly won't hit these figures), plus another 150W for your OC'ed CPU, and throw in an extra 100W for fans/disks/peripherals/what not, gives you 500W peak. Most reviews show test rigs with the GTX 780 touching ~420W of power draw, so I'm not that badly off.

Most of a PC's power draw happens on the 12V rail alone, and PSUs don't put out all their power on the 12V rail. The 520W for example has 480W on the 12V rail. Running a PSU at >75% of its rated capacity for extended runs is not good in the long run, plus you need a bit of headroom for temperature de-rating, capacitor ageing, etc. Assuming a 500W peak power draw as above / 0.75 = ~700W. Granted I went a bit overboard with the figures, so you could do fine with a 650W as well, however the 520W IMHO is pushing it (420W of power draw on a 480W 12V rail = ~90% load).
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The GTX 780 is rated at 250W of peak power draw (yes it mostly won't hit these figures), plus another 150W for your OC'ed CPU, and throw in an extra 100W for fans/disks/peripherals/what not, gives you 500W peak. Most reviews show test rigs with the GTX 780 touching ~420W of power draw, so I'm not that badly off.

Most of a PC's power draw happens on the 12V rail alone, and PSUs don't put out all their power on the 12V rail alone. The 520W for example has 480W on the 12V rail. Running a PSU at >75% of its rated capacity for extended runs is not good in the long run, plus you need a bit of headroom for temperature de-rating, capacitor ageing, etc. Assuming a 500W peak power draw as above / 0.75 = ~700W. Granted I went a bit overboard with the figures, so you could do fine with a 650W as well, however the 520W IMHO is pushing it (420W of power draw on a 480W 12V rail = ~90% load).

Thanks.Will get a 650W PSU then
Since you have a budget greater than 1 lac, did you consider getting a nvidia 3d setup? I have one and i absolutely love playing games in 3d(those that are 3d ready ofcourse).
Since you have a budget greater than 1 lac, did you consider getting a nvidia 3d setup? I have one and i absolutely love playing games in 3d(those that are 3d ready ofcourse).
I actually hate 3D,And am not interested in those triple monitor setups either,i wanted a setup which will max games for 3-4 years and then step up to a 4K Monitor and GPU which will obviously be cheap by then
@PhantomShade - stick to your original component selection, it looks pretty decent. I have no idea why a few members are recommending MSI boards for no reason, especially since this Z97 PC Mate clearly doesn't have a good enough VRM for overclocking. The only change you would need in your selection is bumping up to a beefier ~750W PSU like the Seasonic X-750 or CM V700.

I cannot find anything related to the VRM issue. Care to share a link to confirm?
You really should get a 750W PSU minimum, or else you are bound to encounter random reboots and frame drops and such problems. The R9 290 maybe doesn't trump the 780 but has the same performance for lower price. Yeah I do think the 780 is overpriced.
Since ur budget is nearing 1lac, you should consider the best PSu for ur budget, also since your going for i5 haswell get a haswell compatible psu eg:Seasonic X Series 750KM3. AMD these days releases driver support for games very quickly, its no more 6months eg: watchdogs(UBISOFT) got driver update 14.6 immediately. Get the best value for money gpu eg: R9 290 tri-X. Hope it helps :)
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also since your going for i5 haswell get a haswell compatible psu eg:Seasonic X Series 750KM3.
As already discussed elsewhere, "Haswell compatible PSUs" are a bit misleading since you have plenty of load on the 12V rail (in the form of fans, drives, GPU, etc) to keep even the older group regulated PSUs stable. I highly doubt a beefy rig as the one above will ever drop to sub 5W loads on the 12V rail and cause cross-loading instability issues. In any case most decent PSUs these days tend to have DC-DC voltage regulation.
There's no harm in buying a Haswell compatible PSU, as long as you understand how (un)important this new marketing label is. This is similar to the 80Plus euphoria a couple of years back where everyone felt they needed an 80Plus PSU without realising it is an added benefit and not a necessity. Just like 80Plus, the Haswell compatible tag does not have anything to do with the PSU quality. For example, the entry level CoolerMaster Elite is 'Haswell compatible', but the Seasonic S12II is not .. which one is the better PSU? Granted the Seasonic X you recommended has both bases covered, but its always better to recommend a PSU because its good, and not because it has a marketing label attached to it :)
Yes very true :-), what I wanted the buyer was to get the best PSU, as it will stay with him for a long time even though he upgrades other components
Haswell compatible PSU or not, it should be able to provide clean stable power so that the processor can drop into lower C states. The PSU needs to able to provide stable power when the load isn't high.

check out jonnyguru.com if you wish to read reviews about PSUs.
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