funny emule behaviour

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Well emule had a high Id but wasn't dldig much.
So I disconnected and reconnected and got an ID which was much the same and wow it was dlding fast!!!!
Any Ideas why that might happen?
Cud it be bcos all of a sudden my connection is runnning insanely fast?
Is it that Sify (Stupid Internet For You, Sucky Internet For You) Proxy server has broken down (or has been fixed to allow emule to work properly) ? Bcos emule has not worked much b4 but recently I have been hearing on that a lot of people have benn trying to get them to support p2p a bit better.
Let me give it a try today.
I am having lots of issue with bit torrent..
I have noticed on couple of occasions sify allowing super fast downloads, usually in morining not sure if its because I am sleepy or they have a problem :)

Question for you, are u using the sify dialer or EasySify ? I am on Easy sify and am having problems using the newer version 2
Hey, my 9-9 connection just stopped (it being nine o clock).
So i thought why not connect on my 256 kbps data transfer pack (not to dld, just to see if the thing was still running) and I did so and reconnected emule - and now it says that port 4662 is not open. Low ID. Just 2 seconds ago it was open. Both connections are linked to the same ip, or is it that the open/closed ports issue (I had asked them to open some ports for me) is linked to a login and not an ip?
Emule bad speeds inspite of high id (which I was facing yesterday) is due to a bad proxy server config as far as I can tell cos many people faced this problem even after sify opened the ports for them. And I have heard that emule has problems with badly setup proxy servers (incoming data not delivered). If that is fixed then all I have to do is tell Sify to switch off any firewalling for me (I am buying a Wifi Router today which will do all that for me) and everything will be fine.
BTW how do u like my new expansion for Sify????
KingKrool said:
Is it that Sify (Stupid Internet For You, Sucky Internet For You)

Its a nice one :hap2:

BTW who is your cable provider ? ICC ? I was planning to buy two plans but am not sure if the local provider will allow that.
ICC. And they do allow two plans. Tha is a sify policy and if u call sify directly then they will straighten out the LCO. As it is 2 plans are necessary if u use a night plan. Or will they say, "Nah, in the day time u can give business to BSNL instead".
I use sify dialer, but will have to change to easy sify2 soon (maybe - depends on how the router works out)
bad luck kingkrool sify sucks i was an ex user of sify now i have many other options to sify and will never eva go back to them idiots.

I am torrent fan nothing else :hap5:
There is no choice here yet. But hopefully as Iqara is moving this side, and Reliance/BSNL comes in, Sify will be forced to improve service. Eg. in Mumbai where Sify faces really stiff competition, there are a number of not so bad plans (as compared to rest of India) and BT, emule etc work.
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