G15 for sale

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40 Crores 48 Lakhs!!!


I just ordered it.

I jsut recieved word, its Platinum Plated, Dimaond Encrusted.
[D]igital [D]eath said:
Hhaha, haha...ha...............ha....not.

Its floccing funny.... not. That link isnt even correct. Takes me to DLink walla wireless router. U sure u ordered it Aditya?
i am getting one for myself too .. just placed the order. btw this is not an error .. these are limited edition ones. grab urs now ... only if u have the dough. :bleh:
I saw that yesterday noon itself, but was too lazy to post it here:P, anyway thanks to hunt3r for bringing it to our notice of such a great offer:P
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