PC Peripherals G5 tracking issues!


My g5 has suddenly started disappointing me. For almost 2 years it ran without any issue. Suddenly the pointer is not moving. It works ok for sometime and then pointer stops, skips, stops, sometimes the dpi light goes off...
I tried changing the firmware to 1.2 (latest it seems which logitech claims improves tracking on various surfaces), upgraded the setpoint software, but no change.
I've not been using any mouse pad for past 2 years, and just using mouse on wooden plank in the comp table. Should i try using a mouse pad now? This is very irritating, and i'm thinking of dumping it and going for mx518...g5's laser has given many ppl problems....I'd bought it from newegg, so no respite on warranty stuff...Can't believe a mouse worth 2k is down in less than 2 years!
Any saving grace?