Graphic Cards G92 & G98 specs and pricing revealed+Launch News



740MHz core clock

64 stream processors

256-bit DDR3 1800MHz 512MB

TDP between 7900GS and 7900GTX

3DMark06 on QX6700 : 97xx

Price : US$249-299


800MHz core clock

32 stream processors

256-bit DDR3 1600MHz 512MB

TDP higher than 8600GTS

3DMark06 on QX6700 : 74xx

Price : US$169-199

Link->G92 & G98 specs and pricing revealed - VR-Zone IT & Lifestyle Forum!

Now Some Other News

Time to start a little speculation folks. NVIDIA plans to update its lineup of chips in mid-November this year. While according to media reports the company has no plans to dethrone its high-end GeForce 8800 Ultra with the new code-named G92 product, it is highly unlikely that Nvidia has no plans to offer a new top-of-the-range product this fall.
Several media reports claim that the G92 chip due to be commercially launched on the 12th of November will be positioned as a performance-mainstream part, not as an ultra high-end product. The chip will sport an improved PureVideo HD video engine, PCI Express 2.0 bus, DVI, DisplayPort as well as HDMI outputs, media reports claim. It remains to be seen whether the new product will also feature DirectX 10.1 capabilities. The new chip is projected to be made using 65nm process technology at TSMC.

Earlier this year Michael Hara, vice president of investor relations at Nvidia Corp., said that the company’s forthcoming flagship product would have peak computing power close to 1TFLOPs, about two times more compared to the current code-named G80 chips, which is used on the GeForce 8800 GTS, GTX and Ultra products.

Nvidia’s code-named G80 chip was introduced in mid-November, 2006, as a high-end offering from the company. Being made using 90nm process technology, the chip featured 681 million transistors without output logic, which means that the solution was quite expensive to build.

Santa Clara, California-based Nvidia Corp. already has a history of creating an expensive solutions and then making them faster and more affordable to manufacture. In June, 2005, Nvidia introduced its G70 processor that powered the company’s GeForce 7800 family of products and had a rather large die size. Already in March, 2006, the company released its G71 chip that had the same capabilities as the predecessor, but could operate at higher clock-speeds and also was cheaper to make. While the GeForce 7900 did not offer a two times performance improvement over the predecessor, the GeForce 7950 GX2 graphics card could boast with unbelievable peak computing power for that time as it featured two G71 GPUs.

Besides creating a chip that would feature over a billion of transistors, Nvidia may chose an option to produce a dual-chip graphics card based on relatively inexpensive graphics processors. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information whether Nvidia’s G92 is actually a complex high-end graphics processor, or a chip of modest complexity to replace Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS and power a dual-GPU “GX2” graphics card.

Link->Nvidia Readies New “G92” for November
lostinthought said:
This may be a No0B Question....:p

Is there any Mother Board that has PCI-E 2.0 slots??

X38 mobos will support PCIe 2.0 that releases on Sep 24. all the later chipsets will fortunately have native support of PCIe 2.0.

This cards look like a good Mid-range cards..
Ok...more questions..:p

After G92 and G98 release.....there will be price drops for the current 8800GTS 320 and 640, right??

In about 6 months what could be the price of 8800GTS 640??
PCIE 2.0 AFAIK is backward compatible, and would offer no tangible benefits for atleast some time. Marketing gimmick pure and simple atleast for now..
Aces170 said:
Marketing gimmick pure and simple atleast for now..
Not exactly! They're updating the platform specs ahead of time simply to avoid compatibility and availability issues when PCIe 2.0 cards roll out. It is to make sure that a significant chunk of gamers, enthusiasts and even mainstream users be ready for new generation hardware.
^^ Nope its completely backwards compatible, it will do to the tech as much as AGP 8x did.

PCI-SIG - FAQ - PCI Express 2.0

Apart from the quad SLI rigs, the PCIE standard today has enough of bandwidth to spare, unless of course if video decoding goes to a whole new level, or the GPU starts doing floating point calculations other then that of graphics.
Aces170 said:
^^ Nope its completely backwards compatible, it will do to the tech as much as AGP 8x did.

PCI-SIG - FAQ - PCI Express 2.0

Apart from the quad SLI rigs, the PCIE standard today has enough of bandwidth to spare, unless of course if video decoding goes to a whole new level, or the GPU starts doing floating point calculations other then that of graphics.
Of course, PCIe 2.0 has to be backwards compatible. But the comparison to AGP 8x isn't fair, for I think that GFX giants are planning to launch multicore graphics cards in near future, with co-processors like Physix - heavy on floating point calculations.
^^ If the current gen Physx cards are yet on on PCI interface : - BFG Tech BFGRPHYSX128P PhysX Processing Unit 128MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Physics Card - Retail

Then it gives a clear indication of the lack of bandwith required for these PPU atleast for the coming years. Multicore gfx chips will require tremendous bandwith within their core interfaces only. IMO the transition to PCIE was also a waste, the only reason citied was multi card interface support, which is only implemented by a small percentage of the gamers. Simply put there is no need for PCIE 2.0 rt now, and there will be no tangible hit in running 2.0 cards in 1.1 slots...
UPDATE: Looks like the G92 may actually replace the GTX, not the GTS. It has a 384-bit memory bus!

This baby sports some serious shading power, but more important is the fact that the memory installed on board is now GDDR4. 768MB of GDDR4, to be more precise. The amount of memory discards rumors of 256-bit bus, since it is obvious that Nvidia will keep 384-bit memory controller for the high-end series of products. We would welcome this memory controller in mainstream arena, though.

TechAmok - Independent Technology News

the G92 seems to be the High end Product of nVidia. having 1Teraflop processing power. me waiting for this for an upgrade.:eek:hyeah:
i have an IDEA lostinthought take an GTS 8800 320MB now after 4 mnthz take another GTS 8800 320MB SLI it .... use it for 4 more months and sell it !!!

thn take the latest 9 series from dat amnt if u sell ur SLI PC @ a good cost !!

(cause 8 mnthz down d line the OVERHYPED 9XXX will drop their PRICE ... vut dat wont crawl ur 8800's MARKET much )

u shud hv good BUSINESS skills to sell it @ a nice COST ...

+ believe me u will have a gr8 experience
i have an IDEA lostinthought take an GTS 8800 320MB now after 4 mnthz take another GTS 8800 320MB SLI it .... use it for 4 more months and sell it !!!

thn take the latest 9 series from dat amnt if u sell ur SLI PC @ a good cost !!

(cause 8 mnthz down d line the OVERHYPED 9XXX will drop their PRICE ... vut dat wont crawl ur 8800's MARKET much )

u shud hv good BUSINESS skills to sell it @ a nice COST ...

+ believe me u will have a gr8 experience


w8 for sometime ........get the 9800GTX

or get the 8800GTS 640 now .......use the evga step up program and get the 9800GTS ...or if u can pour in some extra cash get the 9800GTX
Lol a 8800 GTS wont be that much slow then a 9800 whatever. It never makes sense to upgrade from one gen card to another other then showoff purpose.

BTW where have all the R700 rumours gone, looks like AMD is using ATI resources to build the Fusion CPU only..........
This hype bout the new "nine" series is great!!! But wait. Nvidia havent completely solved the driver issues with the current 8 series cards. And when they launch the 9 series, u think they ll solve for the driver issues of both the series then??.. It could be more than they can handle at the same time.