FS: Video Card GALAX(Y) GTX 970 Black EXOC


Feedback: 23 / 0 / 0
Expected Price (Rs)
Shipping from
Gurugram / NCR
Item Condition
4 out of 5
Payment Options
  1. Cash
  2. Bank Transfer
Purchase Date
Jul 28, 2019
Shipping Charges
Excluded - at actuals
Have you provided two pics?
  1. Yes
Remaining Warranty Period
Invoice Available?
Reason for Sale
Planning Upgrade, arranging funds.
The product page can be referred here:
Factory overclocked to ~1320 MHz

I purchased this card in Japan in 2019, used. Has worked flawlessly since in two machines.
It also has been given the nVidia Firmware update for UEFI BIOS display out on DisplayPort.

The dust will be cleaned up before sale. Shipping will be possible (and might take 3-4 extra days) but I'll prefer NCR buyers for F2F deal.
I believe I have priced it reasonably, considering the performance level it can still pull and its age / warranty.
I am not in a hurry to get rid of it, won't necessarily be entertaining offers much below asking price. If I don't get suitable offers, might cancel the sale as well.

@Mods: I believe I have followed the rules, I did read the guidelines thread beforehand. If still in error, please let me know and I'll rectify.


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No offense bro but the price you mentioned for this card is more than what people paid during the peak crypto, GPU shortage times.

This card trades blows with a 1060 3GB while being a generation older and consuming more power. You can easily pick a 1060 3GB for 8k-9k used nowadays, so I don't think anyone would pay more than 7 or 8k for this.
No offense bro but the price you mentioned for this card is more than what people paid during the peak crypto, GPU shortage times.

This card trades blows with a 1060 3GB while being a generation older and consuming more power. You can easily pick a 1060 3GB for 8k-9k used nowadays, so I don't think anyone would pay more than 7 or 8k for this.
Where can you get a 1060 3GB for 8-9k?
No offense bro but the price you mentioned for this card is more than what people paid during the peak crypto, GPU shortage times.

This card trades blows with a 1060 3GB while being a generation older and consuming more power. You can easily pick a 1060 3GB for 8k-9k used nowadays, so I don't think anyone would pay more than 7 or 8k for this.
None taken. I am thick skinned enough to not be perturbed by photons off my mobile / PC screen.

The 970 OC is superior in performance to GTX 1650. The cheapest 1650 that I could find is like 21k. Have priced it much below that for then age and used status.

Alternatively, it gives 60~66% of the performance of a 3050. The starting price there is 35k+, and again the set price is much better value.

I am trying to base prices on performance level of cards and not other used items' listing which my be seller person dependent.

However, if someone can provide multiple legitimate references (check FB marketplace doesn't count in my book) of same or equivalent models at certain prices, I can see if I need to revise cost, or even cancel the sale if it is not worth.
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None taken. I am thick skinned enough to not be perturbed by photons off my mobile / PC screen.

The 970 OC is superior in performance to GTX 1650. The cheapest 1650 that I could find is like 21k. Have priced it much below that for then age and used status.

Alternatively, it gives 60~66% of the performance of a 3050. The starting price there is 35k+, and again the set price is much better value.

I am trying to base prices on performance level of cards and not other used items' listing which my be seller person dependent.

However, if someone can provide multiple legitimate references (check FB marketplace doesn't count in my book) of same or equivalent models at certain prices, I can see if I need to revise cost, or even cancel the sale if it is not worth.
Judging by that logic I think you can quote around 50k given that a 970 performs ~20-25% performance of a 3090 Ti and the lowest selling 3090 Ti I could find online was around 2.1L.
I wish I could, but I don't subscribe to the school of stretching logic so thin it becomes invisible.

Everyone knows that the Halo products are ridiculously priced AND that any reasonable comparison must be made within performance ranges of half to double, not 4-5x...
I wish I could, but I don't subscribe to the school of stretching logic so thin it becomes invisible.

Everyone knows that the Halo products are ridiculously priced AND that any reasonable comparison must be made within performance ranges of half to double, not 4-5x...
Bottomline is, it will sell at a similar price what it fetches in the used market whether we like it or not. Thats what other members are hinting. Anyways lets not debate the logic of pricing and its applicability. Your product, your pricing. Guys let the OP sell. It will sell when pricing is right. GLWS.
Just for reference, I recently bought an essentially mint condition (with ZERO dust) R9 290 Vapor-X for 11K.

Yes, I know It's more power hungry, older and lost driver support last year (Nimez drivers to the rescue!), but it's essentially the 970's direct competitor in the "old" GPU wars. Thus, other members are just being rational. Those days of GPU profiteering are coming to an end.

Also, another member recently sold his 970 here for 10K, I believe.
BUMP with a price drop to 9999 + Shipping.
Local Delhi NCR F2F deal preferred.

If I need to update images etc. to current date, please let me know and I will do that.